Open SSL Users
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- Minimizing the pain of reformatting your OpenSSL patches
- From: Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx (Dr. Matthias St. Pierre)
- base64 decode in C
- From: prashant@xxxxxxxxxx (Prashant Bapat)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx (Dr. Matthias St. Pierre)
- Minimizing the pain of reformatting your OpenSSL patches
- From: Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx (Dr. Matthias St. Pierre)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx (Dr. Matthias St. Pierre)
- FIPS 140-2 hostage rescue underway
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- base64 decode in C
- From: scott_n@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Neugroschl)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: Matthias.St.Pierre@xxxxxxxxx (Dr. Matthias St. Pierre)
- base64 decode in C
- From: Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Walter H.)
- base64 decode in C
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- base64 decode in C
- From: kgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx (Ken Goldman)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- base64 decode in C
- From: prashant@xxxxxxxxxx (Prashant Bapat)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Solaris 11.2 openssl
- From: andreas.magana.ctr@xxxxxxxxx (MAGANA, ANDREAS S I CTR USAF AFMC 72 ABW/SCOOT)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: foleyj@xxxxxxxxx (John Foley)
- base64 decode in C
- From: Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Walter H.)
- base64 decode in C
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- [openssl-announce] Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- base64 decode in C
- From: prashant@xxxxxxxxxx (Prashant Bapat)
- question about resigning a certificate
- From: Alex.Samad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Samad - Yieldbroker)
- SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ but nothing to read
- From: nhess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Narada Hess)
- question about resigning a certificate
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- FIPS: Problem building 1.0.1e: 'T' vs. 't'
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- TLS 1.2 message hiding.
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- TLS 1.2 message hiding.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- openssl 1.0.2 shared build's linking is not consistent - bin and libs linked to different's
- From: h15234@xxxxxxxxxx (h15234@xxxxxxxxxx)
- FIPS: Problem building 1.0.1e : 'T' vs. 't'
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS: Error compiling 1.0.1e: 'T' vs. 't'
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Error compiling 1.0.1e: 'T' vs. 't'
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Error compiling 1.0.1e: 'T' vs. 't'
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Problem building 1.0.1e : 'T' vs. 't'
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- What is the format for a parameter file (-paramfile option)?
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- What is the format for a parameter file (-paramfile option)?
- From: mas2@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Stickles)
- Reg : SCEP using OPENSSL
- From: foleyj@xxxxxxxxx (John Foley)
- SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ but nothing to read
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Reg : SCEP using OPENSSL
- From: sins@xxxxxxxxx (Sindhu S. (sins))
- SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ but nothing to read
- From: nhess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Narada Hess)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: secaficionado@xxxxxxxxx (Sec_Aficionado)
- How to select supported signature algorithms
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- How to select supported signature algorithms
- From: jacques.p.florence@xxxxxxxxx (Jacques FLORENCE)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- FIPS: ECC licensing
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- FIPS: Converting AES_ctr128_encrypt() to EVP_ methods
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS: ECC licensing
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Converting AES_ctr128_encrypt() to EVP_ methods
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- question about resigning a certificate
- From: Alex.Samad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alex Samad - Yieldbroker)
- SNAPSHOT updates
- From: doctor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (The Doctor)
- SNAPSHOT updates
- From: kurt@xxxxxxxxx (Kurt Roeckx)
- SNAPSHOT updates
- From: doctor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (The Doctor)
- TLS 1.2 message hiding.
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- TLS 1.2 message hiding.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- EVP_EncryptInit_ex() with EVP__idea_* in FIPS mode
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Solaris 64 bit build of 1.0.2 fails fbe internal error
- From: John.Unsworth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (John Unsworth)
- Dynamic link openssl with Visual Studio
- From: shinelight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas J. Hruska)
- HMAC-SHA1-96 in FIPS
- From: pbellino@xxxxxxx (Philip Bellino)
- Dynamic link openssl with Visual Studio
- From: kgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx (Ken Goldman)
- FIPS mode uses /dev/urandom ?
- From: foleyj@xxxxxxxxx (John Foley)
- FIPS mode uses /dev/urandom ?
- From: aroman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alberto Roman Linacero)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- Handling ???OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed???
- From: tejaswini.s2@xxxxxx (Tejaswini)
- FIPS mode uses /dev/urandom ?
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- Dynamic link openssl with Visual Studio
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- Dynamic link openssl with Visual Studio
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Dynamic link openssl with Visual Studio
- From: kgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx (Ken Goldman)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- FIPS mode uses /dev/urandom ?
- From: aroman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alberto Roman Linacero)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Handling ???OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed???
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: bbrumley@xxxxxxxxx (Billy Brumley)
- Handling “OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed”
- From: tejaswini.s2@xxxxxx (Tejaswini)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: kurt@xxxxxxxxx (Kurt Roeckx)
- FIPS_module_version_text()
- From: jetson23@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Schultz)
- FIPS_module_version_text()
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Delay of email delivery for the list
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- FIPS_module_version_text()
- From: jetson23@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Schultz)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- FIPS_module_version_text()
- From: jetson23@xxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Schultz)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- FIPS: Common method executed in case of error
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: christian.georg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Georg)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: mikec1404@xxxxxxxxx (Mike Collins)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: nospam.waldin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Waldin)
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- How to disable all EXPORT Ciphers?
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: christian.georg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Georg)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: christian.georg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Georg)
- How to make a rehandshake(renegotiation)?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: nospam.waldin@xxxxxxxxxxx (Waldin)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: kurt@xxxxxxxxx (Kurt Roeckx)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- SSL_read preserving message boundaries.
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: ivan.ristic@xxxxxxxxx (Ivan Ristic)
- Getting info on the ciphers supported by a client
- From: christian.georg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Georg)
- openssl_tpm_engine - create_tpm_key failed when tried to wrap key
- From: zakkir.kharim@xxxxxxxxx (zakkir hussain Kharim)
- 1.0.2 FIPS help
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- 1.0.2 FIPS help
- From: steved499@xxxxxxxxx (Steve d)
- OpenSSL and detecting whether bugs have been patched
- From: devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Woods)
- Is Pre-1.0.1k Client in FIPS Mode Vulnerable To CVE-2015-0204 (RSA silently downgrades to EXPORT_RSA)?
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- OpenSSL and detecting whether bugs have been patched
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Fw: Openssl upgrade
- From: dave_nirav84@xxxxxxxxx (dave nirav)
- OpenSSL and detecting whether bugs have been patched
- From: minfrin@xxxxxxxx (Graham Leggett)
- Openssl upgrade
- From: dave_nirav84@xxxxxxxxx (dave nirav)
- Cross compiling openssl 1.0.1j for an imx53 ARM processor
- From: amit.chaudhuri@xxxxxx (amit.chaudhuri@xxxxxx)
- Is Pre-1.0.1k Client in FIPS Mode Vulnerable To CVE-2015-0204 (RSA silently downgrades to EXPORT_RSA)?
- From: CONRAD.G.WELLING@xxxxxxxxxx (Welling, Gerhart Gerhart)
- Openssl upgrade
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Openssl upgrade
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Openssl upgrade
- From: dave_nirav84@xxxxxxxxx (dave nirav)
- Security properties of EVP_Seal*()
- From: npmccallum@xxxxxxxxxx (Nathaniel McCallum)
- [ANNOUNCE] OpenSSL Cookbook 2nd Edition released
- From: ivan.ristic@xxxxxxxxx (Ivan Ristic)
- openssl-tpm-engine
- From: roger_no_spam@xxxxxxxxxxx (Roger No-Spam)
- building 0.9.8ze with fipscanister on solaris 10 fails
- From: Isaac.Hailperin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Isaac Hailperin)
- Getting General SSL Help
- From: lionkimbro@xxxxxxxxx (Lion Kimbro)
- FIPSLD 2.0.5 (HP-UX AI64 11.23) fails to link with pthread error
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- Testing FIPS mode using 0 randomness
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- [openssl-dev] [ #3726] Cocoapods install BUG
- From: erwann.abalea@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Erwann Abalea)
- Testing FIPS mode using 0 randomness
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- has anyone developed a standalone test for CVE-2014-8730?
- From: reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Reichert)
- FIPSLD 2.0.5 (HP-UX AI64 11.23) fails to link with pthread error
- From: p.mrunal@xxxxxxxxx (Mrunal Nerpawar)
- SSL_CTX_check_private_key:no certificate assigned
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- SSL_CTX_check_private_key:no certificate assigned
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- SSL_CTX_check_private_key:no certificate assigned
- From: de.techno@xxxxxxxxx (dE)
- has anyone developed a standalone test for CVE-2014-8730?
- From: reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Reichert)
- has anyone developed a standalone test for CVE-2014-8730?
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- has anyone developed a standalone test for CVE-2014-8730?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-users] Two broken SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/WRITE handling examples - how exploit cpu-hogging and zombification, and, how badly broken do you consider them to be?
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- Getting General SSL Help
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Getting General SSL Help
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Getting General SSL Help
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- has anyone developed a standalone test for CVE-2014-8730?
- From: reichert@xxxxxxxxxxx (Brian Reichert)
- Getting General SSL Help
- From: lionkimbro@xxxxxxxxx (Lion Kimbro)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- openssl_tpm_engine - create_tpm_key failed when tried to wrap key
- From: kgoldman@xxxxxxxxxx (Ken Goldman)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- From: piotr.lobacz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Piotr Łobacz)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- From: piotr.lobacz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Piotr Łobacz)
- openssl_tpm_engine - create_tpm_key failed when tried to wrap key
- From: zakkir.kharim@xxxxxxxxx (zakkir hussain Kharim)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Integrating openSSL with libuv's event loop
- From: dlmeetei@xxxxxxxxx (Devchandra L Meetei)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: Isaac.Hailperin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Isaac Hailperin)
- From: piotr.lobacz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Piotr Łobacz)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- From: piotr.lobacz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Piotr Łobacz)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: Isaac.Hailperin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Isaac Hailperin)
- Two broken SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/WRITE handling examples - how exploit cpu-hogging and zombification, and, how badly broken do you consider them to be?
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- Integrating openSSL with libuv's event loop
- From: dlmeetei@xxxxxxxxx (Devchandra L Meetei)
- End of the line for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module?
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- X509_CINF_dup fails with "invalid object encoding" error
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS methods and symlinks
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- X509_CINF_dup fails with "invalid object encoding" error
- From: jaya.nageswar@xxxxxxxxx (Jaya Nageswar)
- [openssl-users] Nonblocking IO: Kindly need your urgent authoritative confirmation that the OpenSSL API's SSL_read and SSL_write and select() must indeed be used together *exactly* like this, as to keep us all safe (from infinite loop & zombification bugs)!
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- [openssl-users] Nonblocking IO: Kindly need your urgent authoritative confirmation that the OpenSSL API's SSL_read and SSL_write and select() must indeed be used together *exactly* like this, as to keep us all safe (from infinite loop & zombification bugs)!
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- building 0.9.8ze with fipscanister on solaris 10 fails
- From: Isaac.Hailperin@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Isaac Hailperin)
- FIPS methods and symlinks
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- FIPSLD 2.0.5 (HP-UX AI64 11.23) fails to link with pthread error
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- FIPS methods and symlinks
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: stm@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Mühlstrasser)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS methods and symlinks
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: stm@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Mühlstrasser)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- FIPS methods and symlinks
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Nonblocking IO: Kindly need your urgent authoritative confirmation that the OpenSSL API's SSL_read and SSL_write and select() must indeed be used together *exactly* like this, as to keep us all safe (from infinite loop & zombification bugs)!
- From: minfrin@xxxxxxxx (Graham Leggett)
- CMS questions
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- fips_ecdhvs failing for non Prime Curves
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- CMS questions
- From: rwelty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Richard Welty)
- CMS questions
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: stm@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Mühlstrasser)
- CMS questions
- From: rwelty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Richard Welty)
- fips_ecdhvs failing for non Prime Curves
- From: b_duvvuri@xxxxxxxxx (Bala Duvvuri)
- FIPSLD 2.0.5 (HP-UX AI64 11.23) fails to link with pthread error
- From: p.mrunal@xxxxxxxxx (Mrunal Nerpawar)
- [openssl-users] Nonblocking IO: Kindly need your urgent authoritative confirmation that the OpenSSL API's SSL_read and SSL_write and select() must indeed be used together *exactly* like this, as to keep us all safe (from infinite loop & zombification bugs)!
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- Nonblocking IO: Kindly need your urgent authoritative confirmation that the OpenSSL API's SSL_read and SSL_write and select() must indeed be used together *exactly* like this, as to keep us all safe (from infinite loop & zombification bugs)!
- From: tinkr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tinker)
- Build OpenSSL for arm NXP
- From: eranya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eran Yasso)
- Max size on ASN1_item_d2i_bio()?
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- From: minfrin@xxxxxxxx (Graham Leggett)
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: secaficionado@xxxxxxxxx (Sec_Aficionado)
- Max size on ASN1_item_d2i_bio()?
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: jakub.openssl@xxxxxxxxx (Jakub Zelenka)
- Blank pages in FIPS 2.0 user guide
- From: foleyj@xxxxxxxxx (John Foley)
- Blank pages in FIPS 2.0 user guide
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Max size on ASN1_item_d2i_bio()?
- From: npmccallum@xxxxxxxxxx (Nathaniel McCallum)
- Blank pages in FIPS 2.0 user guide
- From: foleyj@xxxxxxxxx (John Foley)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Grub troubles CANCEL
- From: frans@xxxxxxxxxx (Frans de Boer)
- Grub troubles
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Grub troubles
- From: frans@xxxxxxxxxx (Frans de Boer)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: dj@xxxxxxxxxxx (dj@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- genpkey usage for openssl-1.0.1k on openSUSE-13.2
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Earl Killian)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Separate signing and encryption certificates for Thunderbird
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Earl Killian)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: hgb@xxxxxxxxxx (Henrik Grindal Bakken)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- genpkey usage for openssl-1.0.1k on openSUSE-13.2
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: meissner@xxxxxxx (Marcus Meissner)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- OpenSSL FIPS mode system integration
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- FIPS, continuous tests, and error reporting
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- genpkey usage for openssl-1.0.1k on openSUSE-13.2
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Illegal Instruction on AMD with avx without XOP
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: jayf0ster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jay Foster)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: mikec1404@xxxxxxxxx (Mike Collins)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: jayf0ster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jay Foster)
- genpkey usage for openssl-1.0.1k on openSUSE-13.2
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (openssl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: mikec1404@xxxxxxxxx (Mike Collins)
- Meaning of OCSP_NOEXPLICIT for OCSP_basic_verify()
- From: stm@xxxxxxxxxx (Stephan Mühlstrasser)
- How to retrieve the commonName / Alt-Name (DNS-Name) from a .crt file
- From: trapni@xxxxxxxxx (Christian Parpart)
- How to retrieve the commonName / Alt-Name (DNS-Name) from a .crt file
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- How to retrieve the commonName / Alt-Name (DNS-Name) from a .crt file
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- How to retrieve the commonName / Alt-Name (DNS-Name) from a .crt file
- From: trapni@xxxxxxxxx (Christian Parpart)
- pkcs12 how to have different key friendlyName?
- From: dev+openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Leonard)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- Fwd: Problem with encoding a CRL's signing algorithm
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Fwd: Problem with encoding a CRL's signing algorithm
- From: BenBE@xxxxxxxxx (Benny Baumann)
- pkcs12 how to have different key friendlyName?
- From: dev+openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Leonard)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: dev+openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Leonard)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: kudzu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Sierchio)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: gregs@xxxxxxxxx (Gregory Sloop)
- pkcs12 how to have different key friendlyName?
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: kudzu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Sierchio)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- pkcs12 is no encryption possible for certs?
- From: dev+openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Leonard)
- pkcs12 how to have different key friendlyName?
- From: dev+openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Leonard)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: jayf0ster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jay Foster)
- [openssl-users] [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- 1.0.1 upgrade issue
- From: mikec1404@xxxxxxxxx (Mike Collins)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- OpenSSL 1.0.1l: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt broken?
- From: joerg.eyring@xxxxxxxx (Jörg Eyring)
- Code Reformat blog post
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- i2d and d2i fucntions
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- OpenSSL 1.0.1l: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt broken?
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Changelog inconsistency between 1.0.1l and 1.0.2
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-users] [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- OpenSSL 1.0.1l: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt broken?
- From: joerg.eyring@xxxxxxxx (Jörg Eyring)
- OpenSSL 1.0.1l: X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt broken?
- From: joerg.eyring@xxxxxxxx (Jörg Eyring)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-dev] Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- Proposed cipher changes for post-1.0.2
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: secaficionado@xxxxxxxxx (Sec_Aficionado)
- DTLS Handshake issue (openssl-1.0.1e-dtls-ecc-ext.patch) leads to process crash
- From: sanchit1.arora@xxxxxxxxx (sanchit arora)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: secaficionado@xxxxxxxxx (Sec_Aficionado)
- How to construct certificate chain
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- AES-GCM failing from Command Line Interface
- From: secaficionado@xxxxxxxxx (Sec_Aficionado)
- How to load local certificate folder on windows
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- DTLS Handshake issue (openssl-1.0.1e-dtls-ecc-ext.patch) leads to process crash
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- DTLS Handshake issue (openssl-1.0.1e-dtls-ecc-ext.patch) leads to process crash
- From: sanchit1.arora@xxxxxxxxx (sanchit arora)
- Means to update read bio only
- From: shinrich@xxxxxxxx (Susan Hinrichs)
- ui_openssl.c is assuming that current console is ECHO(termios) enabled
- From: (Khang Nguyen)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c
- From: getur.srikanth@xxxxxxxxx (Itsmesri)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- SHA256 docs
- From: viktor@xxxxxxxxx (Szépe Viktor)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: giuseppe.dangelo@xxxxxxxx (Giuseppe D'Angelo)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- [openssl-dev] The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- Means to update read bio only
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: aixtools@xxxxxxxxx (Michael Felt)
- Means to update read bio only
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- openssl genrsa question
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- How to load local certificate folder on windows
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- openssl genrsa question
- From: rex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rex Bloom)
- How to load local certificate folder on windows
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Means to update read bio only
- From: shinrich@xxxxxxxx (Susan Hinrichs)
- custom name attributes not sent with certificate
- From: florencej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florence, Jacques)
- using openssl to create PKCS#7/CMS on windows
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- custom name attributes not sent with certificate
- From: florencej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florence, Jacques)
- custom name attributes not sent with certificate
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Is it possible to add eContent to a signedData which has no signers
- From: Neil.Martin@xxxxxxx (Martin, Neil)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- custom name attributes not sent with certificate
- From: florencej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florence, Jacques)
- Parameters for using ECDHE and ECDSA
- From: florencej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florence, Jacques)
- Parameters for using ECDHE and ECDSA
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Parameters for using ECDHE and ECDSA
- From: florencej@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Florence, Jacques)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- using openssl to create PKCS#7/CMS on windows
- From: srirrao@xxxxxxxxx (Srinivas Rao)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- How to load local certificate folder on windows
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- make depend error in openssl-1.0.2/crypto
- From: pbellino@xxxxxxx (Philip Bellino)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Certificate verification fails with latest commits (ECDSA)
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- ECDHE-ECDSA certificate returning with no shared cipher error
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Openssl verify command and c_rehash
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- i2d_ d2i_ b2i_ i2b_ functions and EVP_PKEY
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj Rakitov)
- The evolution of the 'master' branch
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxxx (Rich Salz)
- Windows Embedded Compact 7 OpenSSL
- From: tsutton@xxxxxxxxxx (Sutton, Timothy)
- OpenSSL FIPS Object Module 1.* is vulnerable to CVE-2014-3570?
- From: susumu.sai.2006@xxxxxxxxx (Susumu Sai)
- Certificate verification fails with latest commits (ECDSA)
- From: jan.weil@xxxxxx (jan.weil@xxxxxx)
- i2d_ d2i_ b2i_ i2b_ functions and EVP_PKEY
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- Certificate verification fails with latest commits (ECDSA)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Support of HMAC-Based ciphersuites (RFC6367) in openssl 1.0.1l
- From: Andre.Wendel@xxxxxx (Andre.Wendel@xxxxxx)
- i2d_ d2i_ b2i_ i2b_ functions and EVP_PKEY
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- "openssl dgst" computes wrong HMAC?
- From: dfnsonfsduifb@xxxxxx (Johannes Bauer)
- i2d_ d2i_ b2i_ i2b_ functions and EVP_PKEY
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- "openssl dgst" computes wrong HMAC?
- From: bbrumley@xxxxxxxxx (Billy Brumley)
- Certificate verification fails with latest commits (ECDSA)
- From: jan.weil@xxxxxx (jan.weil@xxxxxx)
- "openssl dgst" computes wrong HMAC?
- From: dfnsonfsduifb@xxxxxx (Johannes Bauer)
- "openssl dgst" computes wrong HMAC?
- From: dfnsonfsduifb@xxxxxx (Johannes Bauer)
- Openssl 1.0.2 evp_test core dumps on Sparc T4, solaris 11
- From: goran.hammarback@xxxxxxxx (Göran Hammarbäck)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- ECDHE-ECDSA certificate returning with no shared cipher error
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- ECDHE-ECDSA certificate returning with no shared cipher error
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- Specify algorithm for openssl smime decrypt
- From: curious_freddy@xxxxxxxxxx (Fred)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- ECDSA private key load error
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- ECDHE-ECDSA certificate returning with no shared cipher error
- From: raji.kotamraju@xxxxxxxxx (Rajeswari K)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- SSL/TLS sessions of client
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- What is the best practise for shutdown SSL connections?
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- OpenSSL 'verify' command and c_ rehash script on Cygwin
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- Strange behaviour with Chrome (client OS = WinXP x64) ...
- From: Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Walter H.)
- OpenSSL 'verify' command and c_ rehash script on Cygwin
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- Is CVE-2014-3570 fixed in FIPS Object Module 1.* (1.1.2, 1.2, 1.2.2 ...)
- From: susumu.sai.2006@xxxxxxxxx (Susumu Sai)
- Is openssl a vector of exploit for Qualys Security Advisory CVE-2015-0235 - GHOST: glibc gethostbyname ?
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Is openssl a vector of exploit for Qualys Security Advisory CVE-2015-0235 - GHOST: glibc gethostbyname ?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Is openssl a vector of exploit for Qualys Security Advisory CVE-2015-0235 - GHOST: glibc gethostbyname ?
- From: pl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (pl)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Wrong usage of PKCS7_add_signature()??
- From: srirrao@xxxxxxxxx (Srinivas Rao)
- i2d_X509_SIG() in FIPS mode
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- IPv6 and OpenSSL at the BIO level -- should it work?
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- IPv6 and OpenSSL at the BIO level -- should it work?
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- openssl s_server stops on some client connections
- From: lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lists@vpnadmin)
- Cannot clear error OpenSSL Error Stack
- From: antonios.tsakiridis@xxxxxxxxx (Tsakiridis, Antonios)
- PKCS7_add_signature dumps core (windows)
- From: srirrao@xxxxxxxxx (Srinivas Rao)
- IPv6 and OpenSSL at the BIO level -- should it work?
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: kurt@xxxxxxxxx (Kurt Roeckx)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Hostname validation
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- TSLEXT_TYPE_opaque_prf_input
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Intermediate certificates
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Hostname validation
- From: pl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (pl)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Hostname validation
- From: pl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (pl)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: michel.sales@xxxxxxxxx (Michel SALES)
- Hostname validation
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- Hostname validation
- From: rasjv@xxxxxxxxxx (Serj)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: michel.sales@xxxxxxxxx (Michel SALES)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: kurt@xxxxxxxxx (Kurt Roeckx)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: michel.sales@xxxxxxxxx (Michel SALES)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- Is CRYPTO_set_locking_callback necessary in multi-threaded OpenSSL program that already uses mutexes to make sure threads can't run at the same time?
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: Kai.Koehne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Koehne Kai)
- Handle Leaks - shmem-win32.c shmem.c - OpenSSL 1.0.1l
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: JLaundree@xxxxxxxx (John Laundree)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- missing default /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf causes failure on AIX, warning on all others
- From: dave.mclellan@xxxxxxx (mclellan, dave)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: ldgibbons@xxxxxxxxx (Gibbons, Lee D (Doug))
- Proper cleanup functions being called?
- From: michel.sales@xxxxxxxxx (Michel SALES)
- EVP_aes_256_gcm -- receiving of tag
- From: chris.hall.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ('Chris Hall')
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Proper cleanup functions being called?
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- FIPS JCE cryptographic modules usage with Openssl-1.0.1j and openssl-fips-2.0.7
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- EVP_aes_256_gcm -- receiving of tag
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: JLaundree@xxxxxxxx (John Laundree)
- FIPS JCE cryptographic modules usage with Openssl-1.0.1j and openssl-fips-2.0.7
- From: pbellino@xxxxxxx (Philip Bellino)
- Read cer file failed
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- Read cer file failed
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- HMAC-MD5 OpenSSL 1.0.1e and FIPS 2.0.7
- From: JLaundree@xxxxxxxx (John Laundree)
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: ndadoun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Nou Dadoun)
- EVP_aes_256_gcm -- receiving of tag
- From: chris.hall.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ('Chris Hall')
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Read cer file failed
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- ntp-kegen fails in OpenSSL 1.0.1e-FIPs
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- Read cer file failed
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: ndadoun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Nou Dadoun)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: NCarboni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Carboni)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: skneizys@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Steven Kneizys)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: NCarboni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Carboni)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: NCarboni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Carboni)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx (arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Long startup time and poor entropy on Windows due to inefficient heap walking In RAND_poll()
- From: NCarboni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Noel Carboni)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Is CRYPTO_set_locking_callback still needed if mutexes in threads are already being used to prevent race conditions?
- From: Avery.A.Tarasov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Avery A. Tarasov)
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Check private key/certificate match
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- OpenSSL LogoType extension ASN1 encoding
- From: valentin.bud@xxxxxxxxx (Valentin Bud)
- Case-sensitive cipher names are a bad idea
- From: shathawa@xxxxxxx (Steven J. Hathaway)
- Which openssl to use for `void SSL_set_cert_cb`
- From: dlmeetei@xxxxxxxxx (Devchandra L Meetei)
- Check private key/certificate match
- From: beldmit@xxxxxxxxx (Dmitry Belyavsky)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- OpenSSL FIPS (0.9.8) coexisting with non-FIPS (1.0.1)
- From: ndadoun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Nou Dadoun)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx (arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Possible bug in DSA_verify() since CVE-2014-8275 patch (present in 1.0.1k and 1.0.1l)
- From: arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx (arnaud.mouiche@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Client certificate
- From: ted@xxxxxxxxx (Bernhard Fröhlich)
- Client certificate
- From: vladimir.zatsepin@xxxxxxxxx (Vladimir Zatsepin)
- [PATCH] apps: when -purpose is passed, set matching trust param
- From: awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx (Adam Williamson)
- Behaviour of OpenSSL when CApath or CAfile contains a 'trusted certificate' with all uses rejected
- From: awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx (Adam Williamson)
- EVP_DigestVerifyFinal return code?
- From: thomas.francis.jr@xxxxxxxxx (Tom Francis)
- SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:required cipher missing
- From: erafaloff@xxxxxxxxx (Eric R.)
- SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:required cipher missing
- From: erafaloff@xxxxxxxxx (Eric R.)
- Behaviour of OpenSSL when CApath or CAfile contains a 'trusted certificate' with all uses rejected
- From: awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx (Adam Williamson)
- SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:required cipher missing
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: meissner@xxxxxxx (Marcus Meissner)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- EVP_DigestVerifyFinal return code?
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Assembler Optimizations in 'crypto' on Windows
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:required cipher missing
- From: erafaloff@xxxxxxxxx (Eric R.)
- EVP_DigestSignInit failed, error 0x0000000d?
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Generating large DH parameters
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Assembler Optimizations in 'crypto' on Windows
- From: skneizys@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Steven Kneizys)
- Platinum Sponsorship by Oracle
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases and reformat
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- OpenSSL coding style published
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Generating large DH parameters
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- Assembler Optimizations in 'crypto' on Windows
- From: dpb795795@xxxxxxxxx (Deepak)
- Generating large DH parameters
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Generating large DH parameters
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- OpenSSL coding style published
- From: 84.le0n@xxxxxxxxx (84.le0n)
- Using FIPS mode and modifying apps
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Error in untarring FIPS 2.0.9 file
- From: cjsvance@xxxxxxxxx (Christopher Vance)
- OpenSSL coding style published
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Looking for ASKDFVS (NIST 800-135) support
- From: JLaundree@xxxxxxxx (John Laundree)
- Please release updated tarballs
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Error in untarring FIPS 2.0.9 file
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Issues whiles doing direct upgrade from 0.9.8l to 1.0.1j
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- Please release updated tarballs
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Issues whiles doing direct upgrade from 0.9.8l to 1.0.1j
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- Issues whiles doing direct upgrade from 0.9.8l to 1.0.1j
- From: gayathri.annur@xxxxxxxxx (Gayathri Manoj)
- Error in untarring FIPS 2.0.9 file
- From: jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (jonetsu@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Retrieve OpenSSL version from C library
- From: elns@xxxxxxxxx (Erik Leunissen)
- Retrieve OpenSSL version from C library
- From: elns@xxxxxxxxx (Erik Leunissen)
- [openssl-announce] Pas de courriel
- From: lgrosenthal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lewis Rosenthal)
- Please release updated tarballs
- From: shinelight@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas J. Hruska)
- [openssl-announce] Pas de courriel
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- From: amiralex32@xxxxxxxxx (Amir Reda)
- How to leave the list
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- How to leave the list
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- How to leave the list
- From: cjl@xxxxxxxxxxx (Chris L)
- How to leave the list
- From: engineermike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (engineermike)
- [openssl-announce] OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- How to construct certificate chain when missing intermediate CA
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: weber@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Weber)
- [openssl-announce] OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: (Dongsheng Song)
- How to construct certificate chain when missing intermediate CA
- From: oyljerry@xxxxxxxxx (Jerry OELoo)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: weber@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Weber)
- [Bulk] Build failure in 1.0.1k on Windows
- From: gvanem@xxxxxxxx (Gisle Vanem)
- OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: scott_n@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Neugroschl)
- openssl-1.0.1k - undeclared identifier
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: layer@xxxxxxxxx (Kevin Layer)
- OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: layer@xxxxxxxxx (Kevin Layer)
- Build failure in 1.0.1k on Windows
- From: graeme.perrow@xxxxxxx (Perrow, Graeme)
- What does EC_KEY_get0_public_key deliver?
- From: weber@xxxxxxxxxxx (Christian Weber)
- OpenSSL Security Advisory
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (OpenSSL)
- OpenSSL version 1.0.1k released
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (OpenSSL)
- OpenSSL version 1.0.0p released
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (OpenSSL)
- OpenSSL version 0.9.8zd released
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (OpenSSL)
- OpenSSL Release Strategy and Blog
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- OpenSSL Release Strategy and Blog
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- openssl, opencrypto integration
- From: jb-openssl@xxxxxxxxxx (Jakob Bohm)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- OpenSSL source reformat
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- openssl, opencrypto integration
- From: thevoog@xxxxxxx (Chris Eltervoog)
- OpenSSL source reformat
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- OpenSSL source reformat
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- [openssl-dev] OpenSSL source reformat
- From: BenBE@xxxxxxxxx (Benny Baumann)
- Web site problem
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- Specify algorithm for openssl smime decrypt
- From: steve@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dr. Stephen Henson)
- A quick note about recent development builds of Node.js that others might find useful
- From: Richard.Dwan@xxxxxxxx (Richard Dwan)
- Specify algorithm for openssl smime decrypt
- From: curious_freddy@xxxxxxxxxx (Fred)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- Need help encrypting my ca.key
- From: bird_112@xxxxxxxxxxx (jack seth)
- POST Integrity test/fingerprint failure on 32-bit MIPS/R3000 with openssl-fips-2.0.5
- From: rohit.kaushal@xxxxxxxxx (Rohit Kaushal)
- OpenSSL and iCloud
- From: noloader@xxxxxxxxx (Jeffrey Walton)
- Web site problem
- From: erik@xxxxxxxx (Erik Forsberg)
- OpenSSL and iCloud
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- OpenSSL and iCloud
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- OpenSSL and iCloud
- From: wiml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wim Lewis)
- OpenSSL and iCloud
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- Forthcoming OpenSSL releases
- From: openssl@xxxxxxxxxxx (OpenSSL)
- [openssl-announce] Another record-breaking donation from Smartisan Technology
- From: elaine.anacortes@xxxxxxxxx (elaine ossipov)
- OpenSSL source reformat
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- X509_CINF_dup fails with "invalid object encoding" error
- From: vvprasad.chalumuri@xxxxxxxxx (VVPrasad Chalumuri)
- OpenSSL FIPS module breaks the century mark
- From: marquess@xxxxxxxxxxx (Steve Marquess)
- Problems verifying OCSP signatures
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- Problems verifying OCSP signatures
- From: Walter.H@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Walter H.)
- Problems verifying OCSP signatures
- From: richmoore44@xxxxxxxxx (Richard Moore)
- READ error during tape restore via OpenSSL on AIX
- From: Michael.Wojcik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael Wojcik)
- READ error during tape restore via OpenSSL on AIX
- From: openssl-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Viktor Dukhovni)
- READ error during tape restore via OpenSSL on AIX
- From: rsalz@xxxxxxxxxx (Salz, Rich)
- READ error during tape restore via OpenSSL on AIX
- From: Peter.Klee@xxxxxxxxxx (Klee, Peter (King of Prussia))
- OpenSSL AES encryption using AES_* functions and EVP_* functions
- From: nayak_purushotham@xxxxxxxxx (Purushotham Nayak)
- OpenSSL AES encryption using AES_* functions and EVP_* functions
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- OpenSSL AES encryption using AES_* functions and EVP_* functions
- From: nayak_purushotham@xxxxxxxxx (Purushotham Nayak)
- Remove Anchor
- From: petros.fraser@xxxxxxxxx (Peter Fraser)
- Why construct so wierd certificate chain for one web site
- From: matt@xxxxxxxxxxx (Matt Caswell)
- can I parse PKCS8 file and decrypt it later?
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Creating a Certificate with CA=TRUE
- From: benjamin10@xxxxxx (Benjamin)
- Differences in openssl 0.9.8 and 1.0.1x for private pem key file
- From: dthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dave Thompson)
- Another record-breaking donation from Smartisan Technology
- From: stenn@xxxxxxx (Harlan Stenn)
- can I parse PKCS8 file and decrypt it later?
- From: bgiles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bear Giles)
- Does CVE-2014-3569 apply without the no-ssl3 build option
- From: zjedev@xxxxxxxxx (Zeke Evans)
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