You and I are saying the same thing, I guess: past versions of Red Hat had already everything needed to those users who, since then, have left the distro because it became too HW demanding, or too confusing, by discarding simpler programs in favour of more good-looking stuff. Which is usually needed by those users who have a powerful PC and a broadband connection anyway, so they wouldn't even realize if the things they want were installed from CDROM or from the network.
Ciao, Marco Fioretti
I guess we are saying pretty much the same. I have used broadband, since using RH 5.2, as my main OS. I like the GUI oriented tools. But it is nice to have the command-line tools also.
Internet and multimedia products are my main computing interests. Netscape, WordPerfect and real audio were the key programs that converted me to using Linux.
I don't mind more hardware demanding program alternatives. I like easier to use programs.
I'm just confused about the elimination of harmless or programs related to multimedia, being eliminated.
-- The two most beautiful words in the English language are "Cheque Enclosed." -- Dorothy Parker