Re: Complaint about change in spam controls of mailing lists @ RedHat

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On 11:53am, quoth Dirk Dettmering:

=>Every ISP should provide a SMTP Relay for its customers. period. Every
=>Customer should use that SMTP Relay. period. Using RBLs to reject
=>mails from dialup ip addresses is a good practice, well done and
=>should be done as often as possible. period. 
=>The cyber world doesn't consists of just idealists anymore. There are
=>to many bad guys out there in the wild (and bad girls as well of
=>course! *g*) doing bad things and therefor something has to be done.
=>Using DUL RBLs can help a lot and in fact they have cut down the spam
=>on my mail servers bye a huge amount. The best thing of RBLs is that
=>they allow you to reject the mail before it is completely delivered
=>which helps avoiding traffic and also give the spammers the feed back
=>they deserve. 

Man, do I ever disagree with you on this. Besides the fact that I really 
hate absolute statements, I can go along with windoze people being 
required to use their ISP's but I use my sendmail server expressly so that 
this problem does not come up. I run a carefully selected set of RBLs and 
I also run SpamAssassin. My address is not on a modem; it's on a cable 
modem. It remains up 24/7 and the address is valid for about a year. You 
want to RBL modem addresses that's fine with me, but blocking cable modem 
addresses is just wrong.

Can this please be fixed?

-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at

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