They don't have the resources to do it. They don't want to
do it, and they don't do it. Other agencies/bureaus have this expertise and
the equipment's to do it and they do it upon court order... and they damn
well should. <<<<<
Why is it I don't believe you? The courts are in favor of the administration
at present, not the private citizen.
The rules have changed due to the administration's declaration of a
national. The threat of National Security changes everything. There are a
completely different set of guidelines now.
And, who are you? Do you have the highest secret clearances? Are you in
daily briefings with the top four officials in this country? I doubt
seriously you are privy the inner core activities. It's sounds a lot like
those who claim we are not torturing anyone.
Take care,
Gregory david Stempel
F I R E F R A M E i m a g i n g