I don't understand why all this sudden whining regarding federal phone and email snooping. It has been in place for years. Doesn't anyone remembers Algore's "Clipper chip" endeavor of 1993 or the CALEA (communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994) of the Clintinesta regime.
The NSA , the National Security Agency (otherwise known as "No Such Agency") has tapped phones world wide with huge installations in Canada, covering eastern Russia and the north pacific, UK for the north Atlantic and western Europe, Turkey, covering the middle east, and Australia and New Zealand for Pacific Rim coverage.
There has been a special secret court authorizing clandestine "National Security" wire taps for years which has never refused an FBI request tap request, ever. This isn't black helicopter and blue helmat conspiracy nonsense, it is fact. Enter clipper chip and calea on any search engine for literally millions of articles.
It is amazing how the libdem media was able to ignore fifteen years ago what it now severely castigates the Bush administration for today.
Dave East Englewood ------------------------ The proof is in the print