Postgresql Users
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- Re: Suggestions for the best strategy to emulate returning multiple sets of results, (continued)
- server process (PID 1304) was terminated by exception 0xC0000142,
Haiming Zhang
- postgres 9.1 pgsql_tmp directory location of specific database?,
shehab adean sherif
- [Mac OS X Mountain Lion] FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory,
Yvon Thoraval
- Question about PARTIAL DATE type/s,
r d
- Help with query timeout,
Edson Richter
- 'full_page_writes=off' , VACUUM and crashing streaming slaves...,
Sean Chittenden
- CTE materializing sets?,
Liam Caffrey
- pg_dump problem,
Leonardo M. Ramé
- Add a stemmer for fts,
P Gouv
- Counting all results before LIMIT,
Moshe Jacobson
- Re: Building an home computer for best Poker Tracker performance,
- Trajectory of a [Pg] DBA,
Thalis Kalfigkopoulos
- Moving from Java 1.5 to Java 1.6,
Swayam Prakash Vemuri
- Return dynamic columns of a temporary table,
clear chan
- pg_upgrade default ports in the --help output,
Виктор Егоров
- COPY FROM with BYTEA fields - escaping doesn't work,
Toby Corkindale
- user defined XML aggregate not working as (i think) it should,
Rhys A.D. Stewart
- syntax error collate,
Niklas Langvig
- [PL/PGSQL] column name substitution in PG8.4,
Léon Melis
- surprising behavior or nothing to see here?,
Ben Chobot
- Sequence and Schema permissions information schema,
- Determining that a schema has changed for purpose of monitoring,
Thor Michael Støre
- PostgreSQL force create table / ignore constraints?,
- Postgres will not start due to corrupt index,
Robert Sosinski
- Upgrading 8.3-rc1 to 8.3.20,
Leonardo M. Ramé
- Unable to uninstall completely Postgre SQL,
Alex Putra
- Indexing JSON type,
Ankur Soni
- Replication err,
- pros and cons of two security models,
Chris Travers
- Re: pros and cons of two security models,
Craig Ringer
invalid page header in block...,
Royce Ausburn
stored procedure multiple call call question,
Chris McDonald
Long-running query on replica not timing out,
Andrew Hannon
Game Server Lags,
Arvind Singh
insert ... returning in plpgsql,
Willy-Bas Loos
Can not start postgresSQL 8.4,
Boriss Redkins
Can I force a query plan to materialise part?,
Toby Corkindale
pg_typeof equivalent for numeric scale, numeric/timestamp precision?,
Craig Ringer
How to search for composite type array,
ChoonSoo Park
Thousands of schemas and ANALYZE goes out of memory,
Hugo <Nabble>
Pg, Netezza, and... Sybase?,
Securing .pgpass File?,
Shaun Thomas
strange hot_standby behaviour,
Postgres error when adding new page,
Marco Craveiro
Moshe Jacobson
Again, problem with pgbouncer,
Phoenix Kiula
Planner choice on NULLs (9.1.5) with 2 conditional indexes,
Marc Mamin
enforcing transaction mode for read-write queries.,
Rajesh Kumar Mallah
opened connection,
Levente Kovacs
strange permission error,
Mr Dash Four
transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Waldo, Ethan
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Alban Hertroys
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Ondrej Ivanič
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Ondrej Ivanič
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Tom Lane
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Waldo, Ethan
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Waldo, Ethan
- Re: transitive pruning optimization on the right side of a join for partition tables,
Waldo, Ethan
Postgresql 9.2 OOM,
Bryan Keller
Installing uuid-ossp on 9.2,
Mike Christensen
a "dancing links" sudoku algorithm implemented in "pure" sql,
big stone
replicate or multi-master for 9.1 or 9.2,
Jon Hancock
Question about ip4r contrib and PostgreSQL 9.2,
Maxim Boguk
XML indexing,
antony . carvalho
problem with recreating database with export,
Dennis Gearon
function return value inside a trigger function,
joao viegas
unc paths, like and backslashes on 8.4,
Chris Curvey
Linux PowerPC 64bits issue,
Leonardo M. Ramé
SELECT …. WHERE id is in pool of ids of subquery……,
Alexander Reichstadt
Odd Invalid type name error in postgresql 9.1,
Jim Wilson
Inaccurate Explain Cost,
Robert Sosinski
trigger and plpgsq help needed,
Server doesn't accept connection,
estemated number of rows and optimiser effeciency,
salah jubeh
PostgreSQL, OLAP, and Large Clusters,
Ryan Kelly
shared memory settings,
Alexander Shutyaev
Multiple Schema and extensions,
Alan Nilsson
8.4.13 Windows Service fails to start,
malcolm . sievwright
idle in transaction query makes server unresponsive,
Scot Kreienkamp
Rank based on the number of matching OR fields?,
W. Matthew Wilson
pljava and Postgres 9.2.1,
Misa Simic
PostgreSQL data loads - turn off WAL,
unique constraint with significant nulls?,
Mike Blackwell
plpython2u not getting any output -> on independent script I get the desired output,
What am I doing wrong?,
François Beausoleil
Custom prompt,
N-tile function in postgres,
Rachel Owsley
In one of negative test row-level trigger results into loop,
Amit Kapila
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: In one of negative test row-level trigger results into loop,
Adrian Klaver
Running CREATE only on certain Postgres versions,
Robert James
Prolem to acess PostgeSQL from other mechine,
Arun R T
How to do a full-text search words within some proximity of each other?,
W. Matthew Wilson
Timeline switch problem with streaming replication with 3 nodes,
Mads . Tandrup
Python mapping with new 9.2 data types,
Daniele Varrazzo
enter/leave session triggers,
Rafal Pietrak
Memory issues,
Shiran Kleiderman
Need to run a job in PgAdmin-III,
Fetching json: best way to do this?,
Joe Van Dyk
Strange dump/restore effect,
Gražvydas Valeika
Upgrade from 8.4.13 to successful but it still displays 8.4.13 if SELECT version();,
Question about permissions on database.,
Question about upgrading extensions,
Chris Travers
Curosity question regarding "LOCK" NOWAIT,
David Johnston
Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool 2.4 released!,
Miroslav Šulc
Re: [ADMIN] Windows Services and Postgresql 9.1.3,
Anibal David Acosta
9.1 vs 8.4 performance,
salah jubeh
PG Log MultiLine Records,
Arvind Singh
Expression to construct a anonymous record with named columns?,
Benedikt Grundmann
Why do I have holes in my pages?,
Aleksey Tsalolikhin
Using psql -f to load a UTF8 file,
Alan Millington
WITH RECURSIVE from 2 or more tables.,
Капралов Александр
Need psql send email,
should I increase default_statistics_target,
AI Rumman
Getting a leading zero on negative intervals with to_char?,
Craig Ringer
Passing row set into PL/pgSQL function.,
Lucas Clemente Vella
Why csvlog logs contexts without leading tab?,
hubert depesz lubaczewski
pg_dump, send/recv,
Ivan Voras
initial sync of multiple streaming slaves simultaneously,
Mike Roest
drop table if exists <VIEW_NAME>;,
Marc Mamin
Difference between ON and WHERE in JOINs,
Jean-Christophe Boggio
Change key primary for key foreign,
Guilherme Rodrigues
Double types,
Hall, Samuel L (Sam)
Time-based trigger,
Robert Sosinski
Move table - New schema,
António Rodrigues
Data recovery after inadvertent update?,
Craig Ringer
State of the art for foreign keys to child tables?,
François Beausoleil
RFE: Column aliases in WHERE clauses,
Daniel Serodio (lists)
when was a db/schema created ?,
Gauthier, Dave
Re: unicode searches failing that use % and LIKE operators,
fabio fumarola
log_destination = csvlog,
Edson Richter
log_destination = csvlog, line breaks interfere in analysis,
Edson Richter
Official C++ API for postgresql?,
Why is the wrong index used? (with "gist" index),
Christian Hammers
Get time for each operation in "Explain...",
Edson Richter
Can a view use a schema search_path?,
Adam Mackler
foreign key from array element,
Rafal Pietrak
Slow counting still true?,
Thomas Guettler
On Ubuntu 12.04 i do have two psql one of those isn't working,
Yvon Thoraval
PostgreSql support for Windows 8,
K, Baraneetharan
How to access the extension's operator installed with schema ?,
See the WHERE clause of a partial index,
Paul Jungwirth
OFFTOPIC: core dumped with strcpy,atoi,sprintf.,
Custom integer-like type,
Ivan Voras
PL/pgSQL debugger and PostgreSQL 9.2,
Albe Laurenz
SQLSTATE[08006] [7] server closed the connection unexpectedly,
Yvon Thoraval
Seeing tables with the same name on different schemas,
Robert Sosinski
Performance of pl/pgsql functions?,
Wells Oliver
Need help in reclaiming disk space by deleting the selected records,
Yelai, Ramkumar IN BLR STS
Re: Best free tool for relationship extraction,
Eden Cardim
Fixing or diagnosing Canceled on identification as a pivot, during write,
What is the state of the art for using LINQ with PostgreSQL?,
Rob Richardson
Auto Vacuum of pg_catalog tables causes huge delay in opening new connections,
Mike Roest
Multicorn 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 released,
Ronan Dunklau
Planner forces seq scan when select without quoting its values,
Alex Lai
replication requires redundant rule in pga_hba?,
Wells Oliver
Tables with lots of dead tuples despite autovacuum,
Wells Oliver
how long to wait on 9.2 bitrock installer?,
Dann Corbit
bgwriter and pg_locks,
Ben Chobot
9.0 to 9.2 pg_upgrade pain due to collation mismatch,
Henry C.
RPM contents for 9.2 community release.,
Jeremy Whiting
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