On 05/03/18 20:04, Mary B wrote:
How typical. The moldier, posher and more star studded a place is, the worse it is in terms of food safety and regulatory compliance.
It is nor realistic to expect that you can somehow have safe food in the regions where half of the dishes are cooked with peanuts, the other half with nuts, all of it smothered in a sauce made out of milk and ciapatti flour and seasoned with sesame (each of these can actually kill people who are allergic). The same goes for the regions where everything is boiled in the same pot with the noodles, then fried up in the same pan or deep fryer. With our without batter and nuts in the mix. I do not think that it is a realistic ask to ban these locations as you are looking at 50%+ of the Earth (by population). So frankly, if the location is such that there is high chance of going home in a casket one has to participate remotely. A. [snip] |