--On Monday, October 9, 2017 16:36 -0700 "Heather Flanagan (RFCSeries Editor)" <rse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:On 10/9/17 10:14 AM, John C Klensin wrote:
--On Wednesday, September 27, 2017 08:38 +1300 Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpenter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So why don't we, the Internet standards people who believe in rough consensus and running code, request the RFC Editor (a friend of ours) to supply two text versions of each RFC, like
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8187.txt as today, with BOM if relevant https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8187.ut8 containing pure UTF-8 with no BOM ever
If one were really going to do that, one would need three representations (pick your own three-character suffixes for the first two):
rfc8176.utf8 (standard/normal Unicode in UTF-8, no BOM) rfc8176.utf8-with-BOM (as above, but...) rfc8176.txt (ASCII, with characters outside the ASCII repertoire expressed as \u'[N[N]]NNNN' (see RFC 5137) or another escaping system of the RFC Editor's choice.
A few points to consider. First, the RFC Editor will review, at least to some extent, every file we produce, and our tools will need to be modified to create the additional formats; that complexity would then need to be maintained going forward. The more files added, the more resources it will take to produce. This has implications for either the time it takes to publish or the cost it takes to publish. Second, there have also been some discussions about creating separate files for paginated versus unpaginated text files. That would take us up to six files just for the plain-text outputs (noting the RFC Editor also has the PDF/A-3 and HTML to review).
Alternatively, the IETF community that prefers plain text can develop tools that takes the one file created by the RFC Editor and strip the BOM, add pagination, or run it through a translation tool to get it in their native language--these will not be produced or reviewed by the RFC Editor, but will perhaps meet the individual desires here. Given the number of options, opinions, and resources involved, I think this makes the most sense.
Up to a point, yes. On the other hand, unless the RFC Editorintends to make a rule requiring either that sections (orsubsections) not extend over circa a page, or numbering lines,or doing something else that facilities references into adocument, I think you'd best retain a canonical / distributedversion with page numbers, headers, and footers.
In that case we’d all have to look up that version whenever we received a reference to something in RFC xxxx page 7. So even if it’s more comfortable for us to read the RFC in a browser or on a phone, we’d need access to this canonical version.
IMO it’s far easier to reference section and paragraph number, as in “the formula in RFC 6962, section 2.1.2, paragraph 3”. This works with any format, paginated or not.
This gets clunky if people have 4-page long paragraphs or 50-paragraph sections, but that kind of badness can and should be caught by working groups, shepherd reviews or if all else fails, gen-art reviews. This one is not up to the RFC editor to make rules against.