Hi Ole,
Is not a problem of perspective, because I’m not saying “not to go to AU”. I’m saying that for such location, we need to allow the people to book 11-12 months in advance their flights, so if the contract couldn’t have been finished before, then we should have looked for meeting there some time after.
Is not just “a bit more expensive” is more than double ...
For me and some other folks I’ve discussed with, is a non-go (unless a miracle with airlines drop the price to a rationale one).
El 27 jul 2023, a las 15:20, Ole Jacobsen <olejacobsen=40me.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
Let's put this in a little bit of perspective.
The last (and only) time we met in Australia was March 2000 in Adelaide. It was well understood at the time that Australia is "far away from everywhere" and that regular IETF meetings would not be happening there, but that "one-off" out-of-rotation meetings would/could happen from time to time.
The fact that we are learning about this meeting 235 days in advance should not cause too much of an impediment for the typical IETF attendee, as compared to knowing more than a year in advance. Yes, it will be more expensive for flights compared to your "average" IETF meeting, but after 24 years it seems more than fair to share some of the pain with those attendees who have been joining us from Australia for decades now.
Airlines typically won't let you book more that 330 days in advance and while that is more than 235, it's not at all clear a longer window would have been better in this case, especially given the huge swings in air fares post-pandemic.
See you in Prague and hopefully Brisbane too! I am sure the folks at APNIC will make excellent local hosts (officially or not).
Ole On Jul 27, 2023, at 13:11, jordi.palet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <jordi.palet=40consulintel.es@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jay,
Understood (also about the wrong info, rumours in the corridors always happen), but it still doesn’t resolve the problem … it will have been much easier and convenient in terms of cost for attendees and the IETF itself, to use for this time a venue that we already know and don’t need to revisit.
Even in the case if we wanted to stick to Brisbane (it is a very good location, been there several times) I believe that it should have been possible to visit the venue around early-mid 2022, and confirm it early 2023, that should have allowed to book flights 1 year in advance. Even announcing the venue with a warning such as “contract is still being finalized - book at your own risk”, is better, because in case you need to change the flight if the contract is not finalized, I much prefer to pay 300-400 Euros for changing flights than 3.000 more because I booked too late … others may agree or disagree, but is a lot of money that can be saved times many participants.
A reduced attendance is not only bad for the participants not going there (and those attending paying extra traveling costs), but also the reduced attendance clearly will impact the IETF balance sheets.
Regards, Jordi
Ole J. Jacobsen Editor and Publisher The Internet Protocol Journal Office: +1 415-550-9433 Cell: +1 415-370-4628 Docomo: +81 90 3337-9311 Web: protocoljournal.org E-mail: olejacobsen@xxxxxx E-mail: ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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