> On 3 May 2022, at 9:06 am, Keith Moore <moore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Part of the problem, I think, is that email is a _standard_ rather than a _product_. > Nobody has an interest in promoting email for its own sake. And people expect email > (including the MUA) to be "free". Yes, that's the basic conundrum. Real investment looks unlikely, unless someone at Apple Microsoft, or a company behind the ever future popular Linux desktop successfully champions a cause with no clear $$ payoff... And ditto for iOS and Android. Will users flock to a platform which offers usable E2E encrypte email? Will received encrypted email be "portable" between devices? ... Bottom line, I see usable E2E email encryption as a platonic ideal, the world we live in is far too messy for its realisation. A tiny fraction of users will put up with the hassle of S/MIME and PGP for a small fraction of their email traffic, and not much looks likely change that for the foreseeable future. -- Viktor.