Rene Rask wrote: > Does anybody actually use that anyway. And why is it there. I can move > and resize windows by using the borders of the windows. Just like every > other os. Unless the borders are hidden. I guess windomanages shouldn't shade when you double click the title bar. They should xy-max/restore like windows, right? > Yes it works both ways. But I much prefer speed in an application over > being able to use a shortcut that is only linux related to move windows. > People working in complex apps know what I mean. Try using Photoshop for Mac and Windows. What was the switch... I think it was Ctrl-> Alt, and Apple->Ctrl. > Alt-mb1 and several others are a legacy. I would be please if they were > removed. It's just a thing from when linux desktops where used by > programmers which do not use the mouse for anything else that moving I could say the same for windows shortcuts. They are just "legacy" Why Ctrl+V instead of Ctrl+Y (ala emacs)? And the Home and End keys are a long ways off, why not use Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E? How often do you need "Select All"? -Thomas