Well, the D800e gives a 36 megapixel image, which at 8 bytes per pixel in raw yield a little over 250 megabyte file right out of the camera. So take 4 frames with the camera set to vertical and paste them together and you get a 144 megapixel image whose time to take all exposures can be less than one second. The image will have a 3X8 aspect ratio and require about one gigabyte to store, about 4 times the size from the scanner. If that's not wide enough for panoramic need, add 1, 2, or three more frames wide. The rig to do this is pretty simple. The camera rotates about the nodal point of the lens and the frames fit nicely together. Even a D3x can do almost as well. Canon, Pentax, etc. can do it as well. James Luke 23:24