Lea Murphy wrote:
Russ has a right to take this type of image, no question about it.
And that same freedom of expression grants us the right to discuss it.
That is the beauty of free speech.
Lea, I 100% completely agree. And sometimes I find myself too guarded
with my own opinion in response to some images, often to the point that
I don't comment because I don't have anything "nice" to say, or else I
feel the effort doesn't seek constructive criticism. It is a shame that
people get so bent out of shape when displeasure is expressed. It's
almost as if we're not allowed to have feelings other than what the
"artist" seeks or what their political leanings might be. So, here goes:
Lea Murphy - Big Daddy Hosta
I find myself pleasantly surprised with the quality of the image. I just
wish it weren't so blue. If it had a warmer hue with a little more
orange to it, I might find the "retro" filter a little easier to
swallow. Classic comp and the depth of field is perfect for this shot as
I feel it drawing me in. The lumpy texture is very nice too.
Laurenz Bobke - Spring leaves
Perfectly exposed. Yummy texture - look at white dots at the crooks in
the leaf! I like that the lens flares fill in an otherwise empty space
with enough white noise so that the comp stays balanced. Great shot.
Don Roberts - Uxmal
As someone who lives for taking pictures of ruins, I can't help but
think I would have taken more time to get this shot just right. I would
have taken advantage of those clouds and gotten a much closer vantage to
make the scale of the pyramid more dramatic. But then, you might lose
the gallery and trees which seem to be important to the image...although
very distracting in the upper left.
John Palcewski - Subway
Probably one of the reasons I'm hesitant with street photography. This
guy looks pissed off. I can't help but feel this is an intrusive
image...almost like I've been caught as a peeping tom. Great job, I hope
you outran him.
Russ Baker - Tamara
Excellent color and lighting. A practiced model, she's arched her back
just right for this type of image. I can see this as one in a series
that slowly progresses to stages of undress and positions of extreme
discomfort and multiple phalli. Eventually, her mascara will be
streaming down her cheeks. I like that her name is Tamara, now it feels
like I know her better and that the smile is for me. And the only thing
possibly disconnecting the shoot from pedophilia, and me from feeling
like a complete pervert, is a subscript disclaimer that the model is 18
years of age or older...but for $19.99/month, you can have this fantasy
24/7. All it takes is a credit card. Wait...no lollipop?
Emily Ferguson - Lotta rain
I'm normally used to your images showing objects that float. We just had
a nasty flood here in Riyadh, so it actually reminds me of something.
Otherwise, I have nothing else to say.
Andrew Davidhazy - Chicago Lights
This reminds me of those camera toss images, but I gather you'd prefer a
much more controllable approach to creating such an image. I've been
through this tunnel/exodus in O'Hare and have often wished I had a
camera out and ready to fire.