With Safari, the images snap from one to the next. I had trouble
seeing the pink "I Understand" against the purple background and
didn't know it was a link.
Roger Eichhorn
On 14 Oct 2005, at 08:26, Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
Thanks Roger, yes the images are sepia.
And the images are going to load at different times depending on
the speed of connection. They're set up to display for 3 seconds.
I'm still trying to decide whether I'd like to take it back to 2.
On some versions of IE on a PC they're supposed to crross fade.
Does anyone have that happen? It doesn't happen on versions of IE
under either OS 9 or OS 10.3.9 for me.
I have DSL.
The background is an interesting situation. It's a quadruply
exposed image of fall maple leaves I took 7 or 8 years ago in which
I overexposed, rather than underexposing each shutter release. I
had to do a lot of doctoring to the scanned film get it that back
to a normal exposure. I'm not yet ready to part with it, although
that shade of purple doesn't go well with sepia, I admit.
I've had quite a few creatives ask me if they can use my copy right
statement. And I am adamant that new viewers need to pass through
my index page on their way to the site so they have to click on the
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography