I have in my notes that a fixing bath is required after iodine bleach, to
remove the stain and stabilize the image.
Iodine bleach can also be used after selenium toning to create "chinese"
prints. Look into the Rudman's toning book for details.
I tried using iodine tincture (the one used for First Aid) on Ilford
Multigrade RC selenium toned to completion. I guess I should have diluted
it a bit. The paper turned dark and i couldn't see what was happening, so
after 2 or 3 minutes I washed (it as still deep yellow/brown) and dumped in
hypo. Most of the silver was gone, and only selenium was left. The print
had a deep red tint and had lost most detail (I guess Ihad to tone in
selenium longer) and I really didn;t care about it so I forgot about this.
At 01:20 AM 6/12/05, you wrote:
----- Original Message -----
>From: "SteveS" Steve asks:
: Can you redevelop after the Iodine, bichromate bleach? Care to share
: formula for that?
yes, both can be redevolped if overbleaching occurs with normal paper dev
Iodine bleach is just iodine and potassium iodide, and bichromate is just
acidified potassium bichromate,
the Iodine bleach is traditionally used as you probably know for beaching
back images and the bichromate for bleaching prior to toning, but I've
found excessive washing is necessary with the iodine to remove the
potential yellow staining..
>from the scribbly notes I'm condensing:
Potassium iodide 16g
Iodine 4g
water to make 1 litre
dilute the stock solution 1:20 for use. After reduction rinse then re-fix,
washing well after fixing. Some staining may occur, removable by soaking
in a 5% sodiuum sulphite solution.
bichromate bleach:
water 500ml
Potassium bichromate 5g
HCl (35%) conc. 40ml
water to make 1l
other assorted bleaches i've used
Potassium Ferricyanide 50g
Potassium Bromide 50g*
Water to make up to 1 litre working strength
HCl (30% solution) 200ml
CuSO4 200g
water to make up to 1 litre
Potassium permanganate bleach
Part A
5g potassium perm & water to make 1l
part B
HCl 80ml & water to make 1l
add 1 part A & 1 part B & 6 parts water prior to use. This bleach is
suitable for re-bleaching prints that have previously been sepia toned.
Some staining may occur so this should be removed by soaking the prints in
a 1% potassium bisulphate solution then washing.
Potassium Fericyanide 50g
Ammonia (30%) 50 ml
Water to make up to 1 litre working strength
something else:
CLEARING BATH for green and blue toned prints:
5g sodium tetraborate (Borax)
water to make 1 litre
immerse the blue or green toned print in the solution, this clears the
highlights and renders the final tone more steel coloured.
..when washing any iron toned prints it is advisable to use a weak acid
solution such as a 1-5% solution of sodium sulphite to prevent the mild
alkalizing effect of normal tap water from neutralizing the iron toner.
Pablo Coronel
Ph.D. Candidate
Food Science Department
North Carolina State University
Room 39 Schaub Hall, Box 7624
Raleigh, NC, 27695
Phone (919) 515-4410
Fax (919) 515-7124
e-Fax (419) 818-7590
e-mail pcorone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx