I am way too nervous to make just two negs of anything. Once I find what I want to shoot, I'll run through three or four film-holders-worth of film before saying "enough"! Of course, If I had film holders I could trust, I'd probably limit myself to two.
I think we're talking of two different things here. If the scene warrants a different point of view, it becomes another scene in my thinking. There are often multiple possibilities which I will explore. OTOH, I find that it's usually the first POV that I print.
If I find a film holder gives me repeated problems it goes in the trash. But I also try to shield them from direct and strong bounced light. I always brush them out with a dedicated brush when changing out film. Each holder side has a numbering system etched out of the flap which shows up on the negative. I can see immediately which holder the film was exposed in and trace it back to my notes and any problems that arise. This way, if an anomaly appears I can tell if it was in the holder, the camera, or in my own handling of my equipment.
If you routinely have problems with your holders you might consider using Readyloads. While they are not fool proof they do offer substantially more control and protection than traditional holders. And they are lighter to carry.
To digress even further: has anyone had enough experience with the new, hand-made wooden film holders made by AWB Enterprises ( http://www.filmholders.com/ ) to recommend their product?
I don't use the banquet formats. But their holders look gorgeous.
Peace! Sidney