I was suprised that the logs contain binary data. I guess that's some
raw data passing the phoneline?
Anyways the files are quite huge, so I uploaded them to a webserver.
I did a few tries. Most of the time I get "NO CARRIER" (sometime BUSY,
which is unusual, because 100% of the time I tried to dial "900" with a
normal phone, I never got free line)
Sometimes I get a Timeout error from wvdial, so I provide you with to
logs of both cases.
Remark. During waiting for the Carrier there are hunderts of lines like
<443.986114> main: dev write = 0
<443.986148> main: alsa xrun: try to recover...
<444.010030> main: alsa xrun: recovered.
<444.010119> main: dev read = 0
My wvdial.conf (I set attempts to 1 for creating the log)
Marvin Stodolsky schrieb:
RE: Does it make sense to upgrade to the most recent alsa version to get a
MIght bring benefits as the code is being continually improved as
problems are reported.
Plese start slmodemd with
slmodemd -c WhatEvenCountryIsBest --alsa --log --debug=2 hw:0,6
Then dialout.
Send us the output Logfile to analyze
On Nov 22, 2007 2:25 AM, Alexander Menk GTZ ET <alexander.menk@xxxxxx> wrote:
Marvin Stodolsky schrieb:
Re: is there any improvement for poor-lines?
Read through Jacques Post Install HowTo at http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/
Decreasing the MTU ofter helps. Read /etc/ppp/options and
$ man pppd
about changing MTU
My problem is still getting "NO CARRIER" in 99% of the cases (where
windows-modems successfully connect in 75% of the cases)
I think chaning the MTU only can help me after getting the
CONNECT-Message from the modem?
Does it make sense to upgrade to the most recent alsa version to get a
Addionally I'm wonderring why I'm getting the "NO CARRIER" message,
although I 've set "Carrier Check = no"
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH; Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office Eschborn/Taunus, Germany; Registergericht/Registered at Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Eintragungs-Nr./Registration no. HRB 12394; Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates/Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Erich Stather, State Secretary; Geschaeftsfuehrer/Managing Directors: Dr. Bernd Eisenblaetter, Wolfgang Schmitt