On 11/5/19 10:52 AM, Bob Hinden wrote:
I hope this helps makes it clear that more authority should go to the w.g. chairs, adding more AD won’t scale. The NomCom needs to be selecting people who are not the best technical experts in an area, but who know enough to make sure that adequate review has been done in the working groups, verify directorate reviews, and that last call comments have been addressed.
One problem with that idea is that WGs too often work to the benefit of a narrow interest and to the detriment of other interests. The IESG is the only formal mechanism we have to keep WGs from getting out of hand in that way. So IMO the ADs need to have a high level of technical expertise, but broad technical expertise rather than narrow technical expertise.
There's also a problem with relying on directorate reviews, which is that every reviewer approaches the situation from his or her own point of view, and sometimes reviewing a review is more work than reviewing the subject document. Ideally an AD would have benefit of reviews from several reviewers across a spectrum of perspectives.