On 7/18/23 13:27, Bob Hinden wrote:
Too little, too late. or: when IETF was much smaller with many fewer working groups, this might have worked. But that was a long time ago.Then doing it earlier won’t work either. Might be worse by creating more email that won’t be read.
I guess I hope that when someone raises an issue with a WG document, for whatever reason, the WG and/or editors will consider that issue and attempt to address that issue for the next revision of the document.
But broadly speaking, the later that issue is called to attention of the WG and/or editors, the less likely it is to be addressed. So I have the idea that prompt feedback is the most likely feedback to be useful, and I keep looking for better ways to make the broader community aware of potential issues in upcoming documents.
LC is almost the worst time to provide feedback, except of course after the document is published.