On 06/02/2016 03:13 PM, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
I don't think we need to change Fedora 24 for this. Unless I misunderstood, this
systemd change has not been pushed to Fedora 24 (nor proposed for it). We're
prepping for how to deal with things in Fedora 25.
You should not so easily dismiss and rule out core/baseOS ( and even
other ) components adapting similar or same updating rebase scheme as
the kernel community is using as ( and has prove to be working ).
There where upcoming changes in systemd that prevented this back in 2013
when I wrote this [1] proposal and we discussed it but those road blocks
are no more afaik hence there is nothing preventing systemd from
adapting an rebase scheme similar/same to the one that the kernel
community is using.
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