Opcache crashes. Was: [PHP-WIN] 64 bit platform improvements

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cc: Dmitry
And I changed the subject

Jan Ehrhardt in php.windows (Thu, 26 Dec 2013 20:47:08 +0100):
>"Anatol Belski" in php.windows (Thu, 26 Dec 2013 19:37:21 +0100):
>>There was a number of commits to opcache last week, I also merged them
>>into str_size_and_int64 branch. So the code base should be comparable. I
>>think the best way to handle it yet is using bugs.php.net, especially as
>>you mean the mainstream is unstable now as well. So if you can get a repro
>>case, or even just a BT, it'd be already the pretense to file a ticket.
>The mainstream is not unstable (yet?).

I have to withdraw that statement. The mainstream is unstable. I was
upgrading my production server to accommodate PHP 5.3 TS as mod_php
(with php_xcache.dll, for Drupal6) and PHP 5.5 NTS as mod_fcgid (with
php_opcache.dll, for Drupal7). Result: internal server error 500. From
the Apache logs:

[Sun Dec 29 23:21:14.027470 2013] [fcgid:warn] [pid 9568:tid 2264] (OS
	109)The pipe has been ended.  : [client
	2a02:348:4f:66e2::1:7:61557] mod_fcgid: get overlap result
[Sun Dec 29 23:21:14.027470 2013] [core:error] [pid 9568:tid 2264]
	[client 2a02:348:4f:66e2::1:7:61557] End of script output before
	headers: index.php

You will see an IPv6 client there, because I had made different setups
for IPv6 and IPv4. It is quiet on that server right now, but I did not
want to bother the visitors with internal server errors. And luckily, I
was the only one visiting the site over IPv6.

Then I tried to backtrace if older versions were stable: they were! I
installed a lot of php_opcaches in my extension dir to find out where it
went wrong. Excerpt from my php.ini:

;zend_extension=php_opcache_556.dll ; 2013-11-15 OK (my build)
zend_extension=php_opcache_556_rel.dll ; 2013-11-12 OK
;zend_extension=php_opcache_557_rc1.dll ; 2013-11-27 not OK
;zend_extension=php_opcache_557_rel.dll ; 2013-12-12 not OK

So somewhere in between 12/15 november and 27 november it went wrong.
That's a lot of commits:

I will try to reproduce this on my laptop or development server, so I
can test more freely and thoroughly.


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