En/na Leo M?rquez ha escrit: > En/na Nicolas Huillard ha escrit: > >> Leo M?rquez a ?crit : >> >>> En/na Nicolas Huillard ha escrit: >>> >>>> You also need DFB++ (a C++ layer between softdevice and DirectFB). >>>> You can use my Debian source package at >>>> http://nicolas.huillard.net/vdr/debian/ (download, compile, install) >>> >>> >>> >>> I try it but I don't know exactly what I have to do with .debs ans >>> the sources. >>> Then I have downloaded,compiled and installed directdb >>> But when I try to do the same with DFB++ i get: >>> >>> Library requirements (directfb >= 0.9.23) not met >> >> >> >> My debs are made from DirectFB CVS, which is called 0.9.23 as of >> release of the previous one. So 0.9.23 means CVS. >> The best would be to grab latest DirectFB and DFB++ CVS snapshot, >> compile DirectFB as-is, and add my debian/ directory to the DFB++ >> extract you will then have, and package from this. > > > Ok I have compiled and installed directfb cvs snapshot without > problems. But when I try to compile DFB++ cvs snap i get this: > > ./configure: line 19750: syntax error near unexpected token `DIRECTFB,' > ./configure: line 19750: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(DIRECTFB, directfb >= > $DIRECTFB_VERSION)' > > I also tried to copy your debian folder to the last cvs snap and when run debian/rules binary get the same error. If I try debian/rules in your DFB++ i get the same but in different message: configure: error: Library requirements (directfb >= 0.9.23) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. make: *** [dfb++-build/configure-stamp] Error 1 Thanks. Leo.