Leo M?rquez a ?crit : > I'm receiving a lot of new information! thanks. I try to understand it > considering my english level is not high. > I'm between: > - X + Xine > But I'm afraid about performance with running X. What desktop > you recommend? windowmaker? No desktop. See Laurence Abbott's reply. No performance impact, except that X in memory hungry, and Xine also. 256MB for VDR + Xine + X is a minimum (with a little swapping). 128MB is enough for VDR + softdevice (128MB more for disk cache is marvelous) > Any ideas to take advantge from X aside from Xine? I think that a VDR box must remain an easy to use, always ready comodity, so nothing else must be there. Thus no other use for X... > - Softdevice + DirectFB (unichrome for hw acceleration?) HW acceleration in this case is only Xv-equivalent, not XvMC. >> I you use Xine on X, yes. This implies vdr-xine or xineliboutput. > > What are the difs on this plugins? See previous posts. Since I didn't use xineliboutput, I can't really say for it. What I understand is that xineliboutput is between vdr-xine and softdevice : it uses libxine like vdr-xine (ie. all the codecs, processing steps, output methods of xine), but links to vdr like softdevice (ie. single process, low memory footprint). -- NH