No, YOU inferred that he NEVER said he 'taught' as did Robert, I quoted the bit that shows him saying so, your caught out for not reading it properly in the first place otherwise you would not have wasted everyones bandwith with your shit, nothing else is relevant in my posts to you in this thread, now I've shown he did say it, I have nothing further to discuss with you, or Robert for that matter as the list archives have said it all, and as like every dying dog trying to defend itself, you now want to bring in other factors not under our discusion, which again is irrelevant in what was said so end of story. On Mon, 7 Apr 2003, Daniel T. Drea wrote: > > in particular the bit where HE says: > > > > <SNIP> > > This has cost me about $25 in wasted CD-ROMs so far. On top of that, > > it's embarrassing to teach a Linux class and have to use Win XP because > > something you're supposed to be teaching doesn't work. > > > > <SNIP> > I read that part, and understand it well, it states that he is teaching a > class in linux as well, and has to resort to windows apps to do the job > and is frustrated by that fact. Let alone the fact that there have been > many complaining about the cdr problem besides him. Some how you forgot to > cut and paste from his other posts where he shows his understanding of > linux clearly. for shame.. > > -- -Res Micro$oft-: Destruction of theory "You get what you pay for"