Ashley Sheridan schreef:
On Sun, 2008-09-14 at 18:35 +0200, Jochem Maas wrote:
why do the vast majority people keep buying M$?
Well, do they really?
yes and no, Office is a very big cashcow if you recall.
I mean, most sales of Windows come from the sales
of computers, because Microsoft give very nice incentives to retailers
who bundle their OS with a PC...
M$ structure the market in such a way that retailers et al don't have any
choice in the matter, it's not so much 'nice incentives' as 'take the hint it's
good for you either that or we'll burn you'
nonetheless people still buy the PCs. but that's not the point, the point is
that the concept of choice has been completely warped to the extent that people
generally believe that being offered 400 different cartons of milk equates to
freedom ... it's a marketing trick of the highest order ... niether freedom
nor choice come into it.
applying such convoluted concepts to linux is actually counter-productive, the
only real beneficiaries to the linux distro holy-wars are the boys at M$.
would be interesting to know how much money M$ pump into various distros to keep
them finghting amongst themselves, I'm guessing that the figure is above zero.
It sounds a bit like when Microsoft announced how many people were
downloading the IE7 browser, when in actual fact it had been forcing it
on users with the automatic system updates, and was still counting those
as user requested downloads!
it's statistically proven that you can prove anything with statistics.
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