Bob wrote:
Howard wrote:
Hmmmmmm, I haven't tried it with XP it is on a W2K machine I'll
have to try it now that I have XP running on the new PC.
What problems are you having? Are the scsi drivers for the adapter
updated for XP?
I'll try it soon and let you know what luck I am havong.
Just didn't work.. I contacted Canon and I quoted their comment. I found
out later that the SCSI card was U/S and the one that Canon supplied was
no longer available!!
I subsequently got a near equivalent off EBay for £10 (!) which offers
to boot up a SCSI hard drive but then recognises the Canon scanner and
after that everything is Ok. However the machine is at school and is
running ME and I haven't bothered to try it since.
So I'd be interested in what you find out!