At 12:00 PM -0400 10/15/05, ADavidhazy wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated OCT 15 2005. Authors
with work now on display at include:
Pini Vollach - Sumela Roots
Well, that's a complicated image and I'm not at all sure that the
black layer served any useful purpose. A split or grad ND filter
probably would have helped with the sky, or just burning like hell
after desaturation. But I do like the organization of the elements
and the perspective, down so low.
Bob Talbot - Orphans
Yeah, yeah. just what one would expect from you, but not
particularly artfully assembled. Kinda smartass.
Rubin F. Diehl - Good Friday 2005 - Old Lady
Hmm. Was that some sort of death and resurrection mummers play?
With the stethoscope? Color awfully flat, must have been raining,
foggy? I'm not particularly comfortable with the perspective,
either. You must be tall, Rubin. Looking down like that on with so
little info on the left side about the mummer, it looks a bit more
like a worried old woman rushing to the hospital or something.
Peeter Vissak - Halluci Nation
Interesting experiment. Not sure it made it for me. Perhaps more of
the nation's population would have made it more successful.
Jim Davis - Miho Beach
Wow. Flat. What are those for? And why are they lying down? And
why are they chained together in pairs? Yes. Pumping up the color
would have made a more stimulating image, or not shooting at midday,
or having Fuji clear, or having clouds in the sky. Flat.
Robert G. Earnest -
Nothing's sharp. Perhaps you've eavesdropping? Funny picture with
no attitude. Not something I expect from RGE. What were you doing
in Manhatten? Shooting a wedding?
Laurenz Bobke - Derwent water before sunset
There's a beautiful tune called Derwentwater's Farewell that I've
always loved. It's interesting to see that Derwentwater looks akin
to the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula. But it's kind of a shame
that the picture has no purpose beyond reporting. I would have liked
something either Sierra Clubby fabulous color or moody brooding Irish
about it.
Sue Butler -
Precious little depth of field there. I kind of like the attitude
about it. It's just not the same as all the others one sees around.
Nice sharp bugs on a bright sunny day with stunning flower colors -
something different here. I think that's what I like about it.
Gary Perdue - School House
Just fine for a travel guide for a museum. A little unsharp on the
rails of the fence, but nice composition and the sky's not too burnt
out. Good to put the trees in there to keep it from burning out too
badly. Nothing exciting about the image, however.
Do we need exciting?
Marilyn Dalrymple - America?
Ouch, magenta. Get that out of there!
If those people must put the flag behind a chain link fence then get
them a nice spanking new flag, for goodness sake. Then they can sit
in front of their TV and know that they've taken care of what
matters. Perhaps the satellite dish should be in front of the flag -
but all of it behind the chain link fence.
Hope we have lots of good gossip from Andy.
Thanks to all.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography