At 04:08 PM 6/11/2005, Robert M wrote:
When we had photo shops, not photo counters in a local Wal Mart.
Photo counters in WalMart made photography available to a lot more
people. Not that I like WalMart, but that in itself is a great thing.
When many things were well known and widely used. And before digital where
lazy people can do whatever it is they do. Digital has caused much to be
lost and once gone, will never come back around.
So have lots of things. If you'd like to go back to a life without flush
toilets, telephones, medicine to keep newborn death rates down, and
internet connections, you can do it in the jungle. Sign off now and go
back to that life. Otherwise, things change, it's the way it's always
been, things always change.
Jeff Spirer
One People:
Surfaces and Marks: