top posting

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OK this is how top posting comes across to me:

When you top post you stop conversation and draw attention to yourself.

You begin by superimposing what YOU have to say on TOP of what the other person has to say, rather than showing that you've considered the details of their message and can respond to parts of it.

Then you place your entire message above theirs without deleting theirs, thus doubling or trebling the size of the complete post (another rude thing to do to those who either store or have to pay by the time unit to download) thus reinforcing the superiority of your message in their mind.

In addition, by placing your message above theirs you inconvenience all who might not have been following the entire train of thought, making it necessary for them to scroll up and down throughout the message to find out what you're referring to.

Finally, the effect is to bring conversation to a complete halt, leaving you on TOP.

Doesn't surprise me at all that this sort of default came from Mr. Gates. He's got all these techniques for argument down cold and they permeate his system.

To me, this is jerk behavior. Power play behavior. It's not what this list is about. Ideally email is a mechanism for conversation. In fact, its capacity to aid conversation is one of the reasons that people are giving up writing letters.

The solution? Think of email as conversation, not an opportunity to dominate or get the last word in an argument.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races, press photography

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