...Yep, I'll definitely sign up for this. Paypal seems the way to go as I will be paying (my end) in GBP. I've enjoyed your articles for linux.com, Rob and they seem worth 39$CAD on their own.
The nice thing about a tutorial series like this too is as it's more on the fly it won't be out of date like a lot of the stuff that has to go via the publishers.
Btw I already pre-ordered the Love book as soon as I heard it was coming out and I think it would be an ideal reference book. The 2nd Edition was so good I even memorized entire passages I read it so often. And I'm looking forwards to the update on CFS too as the old book only covered O(1)...IMO this is a must-read for any kernel hacker newbie.
If you're still looking for ideas to broaden your coverage could I humbly suggest a git slant if you're not using one already (in addition to your existing excellent material)? Not in order to replicate any of the existing git documentation, but IMHO everyone serious about contributing to mainstream in the long term should be using git or at least getting familiar with it. In a kernel-building article you could, say, also describe how to checkout and build a particular kernel version from your repo. If this is too much work though git is pretty well documented for people to work this out. :-)