On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 19:25 +0300, Kalle Valo wrote:> "ext Mark" <wolfmane@xxxxxxxxx> writes:> > On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 8:12 AM, Igor Stoppa <igor.stoppa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:> >>> >> http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html> >> > This is not helpful and in fact is inflammatory.> > I have no clue what inflammatory means (and I'm too lazy to find out),> but the link Igor provided was helpful. I recommend you to calm down> and just read it. Or better yet, read it twice.> > I'll definitely start using this link in bad bug reports. Igor, this> is just what I have needed, grazie! Please don't. Or at least, don't do it without any other comment. Remember you may bedealing with a real, non-tech-savvy user. He might not know how tobetter describe the issue, he may be confronted with a problem hedoesn't have any idea how to investigate, why it started happening, oreven what's going on at all. If you need more information, tell the user. Try to explain what infoyou'll need, what he should be looking for, and what might be relatedhowever unlikely it may seem for a user. If the report lacks the most important (or any, FWIW) information, alsoplease tell him. Be polite and treat him as an adult. The point is not about the link. My point is about throwing a bare URIat the user, with absolutely no conversation or responding to the user.This will be perceived as rude. If you're polite, talk to the user and help him understand, you're morelikely to get the user to respond, add the missing bits, and end up witha happy user (read: customer). -- Karsten Bräckelmann -- maemo.org bugmaster _______________________________________________maemo-users mailing listmaemo-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users