I've never seen a server without a serial port. On 10/08/14 14:43, Kyle wrote:
It does appear to me that something like this will force more of Speakup into userspace. However, unlike others, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of Speakup leaving the kernel, and I think it can only be a good thing, especially on newer machines, where dedicated serial ports are all but obsolete, and software in userspace can take better advantage of things like Pulseaudio and libusb, meaning more extensive software and hardware speech support. For example, there would no longer be a need for kernel modules to control speech synthesizers, and there would no longer be a need to have external userspace connectors such as Espeakup, as the entire Speakup screen reader could be moved into userspace, and anything that interfaces with a speech synthesizer could be either internal or could be a library that interfaces with a speech API like speech-dispatcher or others. Even better, if Speakup is moved entirely into userspace, it could give rise to far better access to consoles on *BSD and other Unix operating systems, as the code could be far more portable between operating systems when it doesn't have to be tied into a specific kernel. Just my $0.02 BSD. That's Bahamian dollars lol. ~Kyle http://kyle.tk/
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