Do you have slmodemd running when you observe no /dev/ttySL0 ?
Have you applied wvdialconf to try to find your modem?
Rodolfo Medina wrote:
Rodolfo Medina <rodolfo.medina@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Last year I managed to properly configure Debian Sarge for my modem: see
complete procedure reported at:
. I'm trying now with Debian Etch.
these are the steps I did:
now the problem is that
/dev/ttySL0 is not present in my system. Please help!
Marco <marcodefreitas@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
# aptitude install module-assistant
# m-a prepare
# m-a a-i slmodem
Thanks, Marco. The reply was: `slmodem, what is slmodem?'