On 2/12/2014 12:02 AM, Dave Cridland wrote:
Sorry, I've not had a chance to read your mail, but perhaps we could
discuss it in the session in London?
Nicely done.
It highlights what is probably the real basis for poor use of
face-to-face group meeting time during IETF week:
People who come to the IETF are used to working a particular way
and are merely invoking that established model.
The model is for group work to be done face-to-face.
This also explains why there seems to be an increase in interim meetings.
If we want meeting time to be used better, we need to get people
to change their model and to seriously do the major group work
/between/ meetings and /on the mailing list/.
That has its challenges, but the challenges are not an excuse for giving
up on mailing lists or calling such folk lazy or illiterate.
And the obligation of IETF management is to ensure that those running
groups -- and everyone else who is participating in them -- understand
the nature of this model and understand how to be productive with it.
It's our community culture and we need to impart it with on-going
supportive shepherding, not the mean-spirited arrogance demonstrated by
some of the language used in this thread.
Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking