Sorry, I've not had a chance to read your mail, but perhaps we could discuss it in the session in London?
On 12 Feb 2014 07:37, "Randy Bush" <randy@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>> maybe the result would be slightly improved if chairs did not call
>> for presentations at wg meetings, but instead called for items
>> needing face to face discussion?
> I try but it's an uphill struggle. I'm hoping against hope that one
> of the things that comes out of the wg chairs training session on
> consensus is a better understanding of why this is such a big deal.
we waste immense amounts of time of the literate in a hopeless attempt
to insert clue into the lazy or illiterate.
just say a hard no to "i want to present draft-..." has your draft been
discussed on the mailing list and has shown serious divergence of views
such that facetime is really needed?