Bernard> O, I definitely think they are session keys. [BA] They
Bernard> are not TSKs according to the definition in the EAP Key
Bernard> Management Framework.
That's true.
But that definition is not normative for draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt.
Bernard> are not TSKs according to the definition in the EAP Key
Bernard> Management Framework.
That's true.
But that definition is not normative for draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt.
[BA] If the documents are using a different definition of "session keys" then I think we need to make sure that the term is clearly defined in draft-housley to avoid confusion.
Again, I think that correctness of accounting in this instance is an
additional requirement the key management framework puts on top of
Again, I think that correctness of accounting in this instance is an
additional requirement the key management framework puts on top of
[BA] The term "AAA" stands for authentication, authorization and accounting. Why would the correctness of accounting data be a requirement only for one particular AAA usage?
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