>>>>> "Bernard" == Bernard Aboba <bernarda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: Bernard> O, I definitely think they are session keys. [BA] They Bernard> are not TSKs according to the definition in the EAP Key Bernard> Management Framework. Bernard> That's true. But that definition is not normative for Bernard> draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt. Bernard> [BA] If the documents are using a different definition of Bernard> "session keys" then I think we need to make sure that the Bernard> term is clearly defined in draft-housley to avoid Bernard> confusion. Sure, they should use a consistent definition, but for example, the "master session key" really needs to be included in the definition of session key. Bernard> Again, I think that correctness of accounting in this Bernard> instance is an additional requirement the key management Bernard> framework puts on top of draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt. Bernard> [BA] The term "AAA" stands for authentication, Bernard> authorization and accounting. Why would the correctness Bernard> of accounting data be a requirement only for one Bernard> particular AAA usage? I think it is a true statement that draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt does not make this requirement about accounting; you are welcome to show me text that I've missed about this issue in draft-housley-aaa-key-mgmt. I take no stand on whether this should have been included in the AAA key management draft other than to say that it is really late for adding requirements of this form. _______________________________________________ Ietf@xxxxxxxx https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf