Rob, I don't know how long you've been subscribed to the IETF main discussion list, but the weekly summary statistics have been around for at least a decade if not more. As others have pointed out, they used to be generated by Thomas Narten, and the phrase "Narten Score" was occasionally used (as a joke) for some people who were prone to posting MANY messages to the list in a given time period. At some point in time, the summaries went away, perhaps when Thomas retired or something like that. Questions were asked about what happened and John Levine offered to generate the same summaries which is what you call the "bot". It's ONE message ONCE a week with some stats. You're the first person to ever complain, and by now your Narten Score is breaking records. If you're complaining that John isn't counting his own postings, I think that might be a bug designed to not count the "bot" posting itself. I am not sure if this is actually the case. I see posts from John on other IETF-related lists such as the 118 attendee list, so maybe he IS counting his own messages (modulo the summary) on the main list. I am sure he will clarify. Cheers, Ole
Ole J. Jacobsen Editor and Publisher The Internet Protocol Journal Office: +1 415-550-9433 Cell: +1 415-370-4628 Docomo: +81 90 3337-9311 Web: E-mail: olejacobsen@xxxxxx E-mail: ole@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |