> >> I remember when I first arrived on the scene and all I can say is > >> that I was really cringeworthy. I'm pretty confident so I could take > >> my lumps, but most people are much more risk adverse. We need to keep > >> that in mind. > > > > I don't disagree, but if we make it easier for new participants to get > > up to speed, there will be a lot less need for cringeworthy moments. > > And WGs might also become more productive. I'm not really replying to this directly, but more to the thought it made me have. What if we have a "WG mentor(s)" in each WG? This could be chairs, but doesn't have to be. It's something I see some chairs do, but far from all. One role would be "if you want to post something to this WG but don't feel comfortable, feel free to reach out to this person and ask". Then this person could provide some private feedback and maybe any history that the post would be coming up against. The WG mentor could also help set the tone of the initial response to a new person. If a new person posts something without contacting the mentor first and immediately gets laid into, the mentor could reach out and provide some private constructive feedback and encouragement. Anyway, it's just a thought about something that could be experimented with and doesn't require money or massive change. Y'all have a great weekend. Barbara