> Rich - when compared to the general set of IETF participants, the Nomcom selections mostly mirror the distribution within that set. When compared to the general set of adults (or for that matter, the general set of adults in the tech space) they don't, and that's been a complaint for at least the last 15 years or so. Not having metrics, I am not so sure this is true. I look at the systers list and group photos that are shown at every newcomer's presentation, for example. > And one of the axes - from my POV - is small vs large organizations. I completely agree. One idea about addressing this is that we change the AD job to not be so full-time. Or add more AD's. Lots of choices here. Terry Manderson's email, https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf/S4xr9MR3usleQ8nCMTACnJ6UWkU/, is inspiring.