steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Quoting Patrice Dumas <pertusus@xxxxxxx>:
I think that you should really use the Fedora guidelines, and help
Fedora guidelines for content that is acceptable in Fedora (like
related books, for example, or videos, that are tied enough with
Fedora or
linux). And then you would use those guidelines for this repo (this
preclude making a document that only holds the guidelines relevant for
content that should be much simpler).
Ok, let me clarify. I think my post gave the impression that i was all
charged up to do something new all by myself and unrelated to fedora.
This is not the case. The rpms i created and the repo setup was more
of a 'proof-of-concept'. I just wanted to see for myself, whether it
was worthwhile to 'shoehorn' content in a software package
management/distribution tool. For instance, i learned the following this:
a. Naming pacakges is going to be tough, because books have long
titles, such as cory doctorow's, do acronyms make sense ?
Perhaps a good naming guideline for content would be:
for example:
other types would include 'music', 'video', 'musicvideo', etc.
The authors name, like a library, should probably be formatted as
'ShortTitle' is exactly what it sounds like... something like 'Beginners
Guide to Windows Networking' could be shortened to
"BeginnersWindowsNetworking" or better "BeginnersNetworking" with the
full title in the description field.
The versioning scheme could be kept simple:
Revision (ie., revision 4, release 4, etc) . Local version (ie., the
number of times you modified and re-uploaded the cvs copy . fedora
release (obviously)
so a book on revision 4, that has been modified 4 times in cvs (rpm
fixes, spec files fixes/tweaks, etc), and was packaged for fc9 would
look like:
b. Version numbers do not make sense for content that is not versioned
Not all content is versioned, but you could still apply a '1.0' version
I don't think this should be a specific goal of the project.
...but I do want to separate content from code. So, for example, on
installing say yum-content-plugin would one be able to yum grouplist
of course, yum search "nin" would also do, so no big deal.
Might be worth looking into, eventually.
Just food for thought
Lyos Gemini Norezel
fn:Lyos Norezel
adr:;;;;Ohio;;United States
title:Computer Repair Technician
note;quoted-printable:"Those who hunt monsters beware, lest they become monsters themselves.Ify=
ou stare long into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you." --Nietzsch=
Mundus Vult Decipi et Decipiatur -- Latin Proverb
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