Re: Legacy document translations

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Le 13/10/2016 à 23:00, Pete Travis a écrit :

IMO it would be impractical to require 100% translation, or 100% review.

Many documents seem to peak at 60 or 70% translation. For a book project that probably means ie ~100% for release N-2 with no retranslation on content updates. For an article collection, it would mean no translated articles until all articles in a repo are translated - hopefully, that's an unattainable moving target.

I believe most teams did not opt into review, and suspect we'll need to investigate whether we can effectively choose only reviewed POs for some languages.

Given these concerns it might be best to publish whatever translations are available when we update the source content, plus periodic rebuilds that only serve to update translated content.

-- Pete


* review process is difficult to set-up and maintain for translators. French team is big but we do not success to make review on most software, we only do it for the most important. * 100% translation is almost never true, projects change strings all the time, translator may not know how to translate some words, or didn't have time to finish. If partially translated content is publish, it make in-context review easier, make a little more motivation (you see the little you did reaching the world) and whatever if an end-user see it, some will reach us to offer help.

My advice are as follow:
* do not wait to reach "final document" to give it to translator, give us "beta content" and let us know it may change, * do not let us translate obsolete content or let us know "this is not up-to-date, but you can translate it if you want and it will get published",
* do not ask any action from translator team to publish each document.

I understand Zanata is slow, and pulling all content from all available locale in Zanata (98?) is not optimal. Instead of taking everything, you may have a restricted list of active locale. Language coordinator will reach you to activate their language when they feel ready to confront so much work ;).
Would it help?

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
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