Re: Konflux: What is the right time?

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On 2025-03-09 13:00, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Sat, 2025-03-08 at 11:31 -0800, Michel Lind wrote:
If this is both too heavy to evaluate on recent hardware, and also not reproducibly deployable, it seems to currently be in a state where it has all the drawbacks of Kubernetes but none of the benefits yet? Maybe we should get to a point where people can reasonably deploy it before considering it ready to be evaluated.

Well, you don't need to deploy it for yourself, really. There is a
public test Fedora deployment where you can play with it:

This is helpful for checking it out, but being able to build and deploy Konflux locally is kinda tablestakes if the expectation is for Fedora contributors to be able to contribute to its development. While Koji is certainly not the easiest either, deploying it locally (to e.g. develop and test a new plugin) is far more straightforward than spinning up a whole Kubernetes cluster and getting this running on it.

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