Re: Konflux: What is the right time?

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On Sat, Mar 8, 2025, at 10:39 AM, Neal Gompa wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 8, 2025 at 10:24 AM Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 07:27:59AM -0800, Michel Lind wrote:
>> > - how easy is it to bootstrap the different options (Konflux, Koji, OBS etc)?
>> > - how easy is it to run each locally for those who want to dogfood the process or participate in development?
>> I'm not sure it's really necessary to run all the build systems
>> ourselves to evaluate them, but nevertheless ...
>> Konflux:
>> Since this seems to be built on Kubernetes, I can tell you already
>> that's practically very difficult.  A "proper" Kubernetes involves
>> having tons of hardware which is way out of range of the hobbyist.
>> There are multiple other ways of installing minimal Kubernetes but I
>> tried a few and they're all (IMHO) crazy.  Also the methods I tried
>> downloaded gigantic binary blobs (I mean gigabytes) of unclear provenance.
> David Duncan and I tried as well a few times and we haven't had great
> success with it yet. Our most recent attempt a few months back got the
> UI up but nothing in it worked. It also wasn't possible to deploy on
> my laptop to test as I didn't have enough cores and RAM for everything
> to work.

I was worried this might be the case. For just evaluating Konflux as a packager this might not be necessary, but for evaluating whether a distribution should use it this seems important especially

- for alternative architectures
- for, ahem, additional repos on top of the base distro

If this is both too heavy to evaluate on recent hardware, and also not reproducibly deployable, it seems to currently be in a state where it has all the drawbacks of Kubernetes but none of the benefits yet? Maybe we should get to a point where people can reasonably deploy it before considering it ready to be evaluated.

Best regards,

 _o) Michel Lind
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