Re: Konflux: What is the right time?

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On Sat, Mar 8, 2025 at 10:24 AM Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 08, 2025 at 07:27:59AM -0800, Michel Lind wrote:
> > - how easy is it to bootstrap the different options (Konflux, Koji, OBS etc)?
> > - how easy is it to run each locally for those who want to dogfood the process or participate in development?
> I'm not sure it's really necessary to run all the build systems
> ourselves to evaluate them, but nevertheless ...
> Konflux:
> Since this seems to be built on Kubernetes, I can tell you already
> that's practically very difficult.  A "proper" Kubernetes involves
> having tons of hardware which is way out of range of the hobbyist.
> There are multiple other ways of installing minimal Kubernetes but I
> tried a few and they're all (IMHO) crazy.  Also the methods I tried
> downloaded gigantic binary blobs (I mean gigabytes) of unclear provenance.

David Duncan and I tried as well a few times and we haven't had great
success with it yet. Our most recent attempt a few months back got the
UI up but nothing in it worked. It also wasn't possible to deploy on
my laptop to test as I didn't have enough cores and RAM for everything
to work.

> Koji:
> David Abdurachmanov has done this (twice I believe) for our RISC-V
> system and AIUI it's a bit of an effort to bring up a Koji.  But it is
> in principle installable on top of Fedora.

Indeed, though theoretically it can be made simpler when you don't use
either cert or krb5 authentication.

> OBS:
> There's a prebuilt installer ISO.  The sources for it are in RPMs (I
> assume also requiring OpenSUSE):

Yes, though there has been a slow effort to get OBS on Fedora going too.

Oleg Girko has his port of the stable release:

And I had previously been working on adapting and upstreaming his work
so that it would be fully supported by OBS upstream.

I maintain some of the local-build infrastructure for OBS in Fedora,
and we use parts of OBS in other places (the signer is used in COPR,
for example).

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