Re: Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS is about to happen

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On Fri, 2 Oct 2009, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

On 10/02/2009 04:53 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:

So do we need to fix this?  I think recognizing that there's different
types of features and some of them can continue even if they are dropped
while others must be (wholly or partially) reverted if they are dropped
is step one.  Putting more effort (tracking development, making sure
that the owner knows what things need to be in place for what deadlines,
finding extra manpower if possible if a feature is slipping) towards the
ones that would need to be reverted if they don't complete is step two.

So it sounds like features for critical-path items need to be completely 
in or completely out. Versus features for non-critical path.
But is nfs critical path B/c anaconda can call mount to an 
nfs:// install point?


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