found the redhat speakup disk, installed, using bootkernel to start the machine, and a big error

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I suppose, I'll have to force the kernels as other packages depend on them.
I did this exact thing when I used rh 6.2 awhile ago. As long as the proper
system kernel is there to match the version, I don't need to download new
source, cvs in windows is tricky (my modem needs a module too I think).
, At 03:22 PM 10/14/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Your installation gave you a non-talking kernel because you got your 
>installation files from a source which does not include speakup in the 
>files it distributes.This can be fixed, but what you did is certainly not 
>the way to go about it. The linux kernel on the floppy is vastly stripped 
>down in order to fit on a floppy. The elements that are stripped out are 
>not superfluous, as you've now discovered. 
>My advice is to bite the bullet, and get a current Redhat installation set 
>with speakup included and do the install again. To take this approach, use 
>anonymous ftp to:
>>From Sun Oct 14 15:13:37 2001
>From: Kirk Reiser <>
>I am not sure just how far through the process he is but, Bill has
>been moving the redhat installation disks and all back over to
>  You should be able to get at least a portion of
>the redhat stuff for 7.2 therefore from
>Another, perhaps not quite as satisfactory but still servicable, approach 
>to repairing your situation would be to go to the above noted site and 
>download the relevant kernel rpms -- a much smaller download -- and use 
>rpm to install talking ikernels.
>Least satisfactory of all would be to compile a new kernel from sources 
>after patching the kernel source with speakup via cvs.
>If you don't understand the last two approaches, do yourself a favor and 
>bite the bullet as suggested.
> On Sat, 13 Oct 2001, Brent Harding wrote:
>> 	I now get an error when booting rh 7.1 that says that it can't write the
>> module file needed by depmod. That's probably because my system has the
>> boot disk kernel, the D copied a nontalking kernel, so I overwrote it with
>> the boot disk one, but it's looking for modules in the wrong place. How do
>> I fix this. I'll need modules to get my modem going. Next, how do I get
>> linux to shut my system down just like windows does? This machine has one
>> of those soft power controls, where my old one had a regular switch. How do
>> I fix this so it starts working?
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