Re: Custom Partition Fedora 18

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On 21/02/2013 14:31, David wrote:
On 2/21/2013 5:28 AM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
On 02/18/2013 08:15 AM, jonc wrote:
On 02/18/2013 03:34 AM, Tim wrote:
On Sun, 2013-02-17 at 18:05 -0500, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
Am going to look into I want to "build" a server at home,
and see what I can do with it.....maybe some form of central
information repository?......I'll think of something!
Having a central server is very useful.  You can store *your* files on
it, your mail on it, etc, instead of on the computer that you use, and
they'll always be there.  Then, you can try out different distros and
software on a client computer, without losing any of your personal

Useful, also, for backups, especially a backup of a separate home
partition if you do change distributions often.  You can easily set up
a separate home partition and include it, unscathed, in any new setup,
but having that backup is a very good thing.

Well I've learned my lesson when it comes to backups. (Lost an entire 2
year's worth of data, pictures, movies, files, folders, and music!) I
was using Windows 2000 at the time, and was constantly under pressure
from my current job at the time, which left me in a tizzy on a daily
basis! I had the PC up and running at home, and everything seemed to be
working, (I mean what could POSSIBLY go wrong!?...right? It was Windows
2000 we're talking about..the "latest and greatest"...RIGHT?..LoL!)
Needless to say I had come home thinking I was going to be able to
download some files from work, only to find my machine in a "Blue
Screen" state, and it never recovered after that, I even went so far as
to  try to access the files taking the HD out and putting it in a
different machine, but whatever happened? it completely fried my
drive.....from THAT day forward...I make an incremental backup at the
end of EVERY week! And then I duplicate THAT to an external USB storage
drive, which then gets placed in a Folder on my Linux Mint
box.....(that's right!....I will NEVER lose "My Stuff" EVER again!)

Win2K is kinda' old.

No aero, no metro, relatively little bloat (by Windows standards) - what's not to like? :) Newest and most bleeding edge isn't always the best. Most of the time it isn't even good (distribution packagers - take note!).

As for the blue screen? That is / was a error
report and had you actually read it it would have told what had crashed,
usually a hardware driver which are provided by the hardware
manufacturer, and how to fix it.

Did you _actually_ read the original post? If the FS was trashed to the point where another machine couldn't mount and read it, troubleshooting the BSOD issue itself wouldn't have helped in the slightest.

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