how/when to QA [Re: changes are still needed]

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On Mon, 13 Jun 2005, Jim Popovitch wrote:
I *DO NOT* do Q&A on packages I have no interest (and/or knowledge) in,
nor do I expect anyone else to.  We are not doing Q&A for CUA reasons.
We are doing Q&A for security and stability reasons. Therefore I think
it is foolish to keep asking people unfamiliar with an application (not
to mention the bug/flaw/fix) to do Q&A on said application.
How do you think RHEL is doing QA for the updates they release?  Are 
the testers intimate with the packages they test?  Do you require a 
higher degree of quality from Fedora Legacy than from RHEL?
We would need hundreds if not thousands of active people if the people 
doing QA would have to fulfill the above goals (which, would naturally 
be desirable, but not realistic).
So, we have to make best of our resources, and that IMHO means trying 
to get anyone with access to a suitable distro/package do the QA. 
Remember, almost all patches we use come from ***already QA'd 
Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings



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