Yeah, I have always had that problem unsolved, here's what I have:
1. Default
Language : es_ES
2. Default Charset : ISO-8859-15
3. Enable lossy
encoding : false
the locale charmap at my server is UTF-8, maybe this is the
There are some instrucctions at the plugins readmes or intalls but thos are
not so clear.
I wuould like to contribute with my translations so far, I attach a tar.gz
file, there are
some plugins I could not translate though.
email is almost unreadable. I don't know how you configured SquirrelMail to munge the reply
history so badly, but you should look into it. On 2016å¹´12æ??15æ?¥ 07:10,
"Andrés ChandÃa" wrote: > > > On
2016å¹´12æÅ?Ë?14æâ??Â¥ 05:50,
"AndrÃ?©s ChandÃ?Âa" > wrote:
> > > Hi there, I'm trying to add new translation pairs to an already
existent > translations set, > actually in Spanish. So, to
the > "squirrelmail.po" I have added for instance:
> > > msgid "Move All" > msgstr
"Mover todo" > >> then I run > the
command: >> > msgfmt -o > squirrelmail.po > > But in > the
end > the expresion never appears translated at the mail >
interface... any advice? Sounds like you're translating a string that belongs to the
> Move All Messages plugin. You shouldn't add strings at random to
the main po(t) file; find the > string you're looking to
translate amongst the po files we provide and go from there. If you > think the string is missing, that's another question. > > Thanks, that helped me with the
translation of the "Move All Messages" and >
"Notes" plugins, but how do I manage those plugins which don't even mentions
things > about translation or locale like: "Notify",
"Small Cal" or "To > Do". For Small Call
there is a "smallcal.po" file at the >
"squirrelmail/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES" directory, but does not works... I
don't know why you are bothering with Small Cal -- I believe it's designated as obsolete. Any
plugins that don't use their own locale can be translated by adding strings to the main
squirrelmail locale as a temporary measure. Be weary of plugins that old. > By the way, there are no good instructions on how to translate plugins,
so I would like to > contribute with some: I think
there are if you look at the plugin author's guide. It's also possible that you are not
working from the most up to date translation data. Please get a SVN snapshot of the
all-locales/all-versions package from the download page. > Notes: I
will give examples for Spnish language (es_ES), > change
accordingly. > Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã?
Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã? Ã? Where it says > "plugin" replace for the actual plugin name. > 1. Go to your plugin folderÃ? > and
do next command: �« grep -r "local" . �» This will show you
where > should the locale files be placed for this
plugin. > 2. If the previous command shows you > this line: �« bindtextdomain('plugin', SM_PATH . 'locale');
�» it means that you > have to place your .po file
at �« squirrelmail/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/plugin.po > 2.1 If the command shows you something like: �«
bindtextdomain('plugin', SM_PATH . > 'plugins/plugin/locale');
�» it means that you have to put your .po file in the > "locale" directory inside your "plugin" directory,
where you have to have > or create the structure:
"es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/", > 3. Look for the .po or
.pot > file provided by the plugin and copy it to the adequate
location (2 or 2.1). > 4. cd to the > directory containing the .po file, edit it and change the line
"Content-Type: text/plain; > charset=CHARSET\n" to
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n" (or the > character set that fits your squirrelmail language setting). > 5. Add the the translations > pairs
(msgid / msgstr) and save. > 6. Check the character
codification of your .po file: > �« file -b�
plugin.po �» > 6. 1. If you need, convert the
file encoding like > this: �« iconv -f UTF-8 -t
ISO-8859-15 plugin.po > plugin.po.iso �» >
7. > �« mv plugin.po.iso plugin.po
�» > 8. finally binarize your .po file:
�« > msgfmt -o plugin.po
�» /change options): > -- Paul Lesniewski SquirrelMail Team Please support Open Source
Software by donating to SquirrelMail!
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